PopMM - 22/12/24 00:01

[00:01] D4R_OP> comon man, we wanna play sum game with Danny :nice:
[00:01] D4R_OP> how long can take a game on 4walls
[00:01] Zpektrix_TAS> wotg time danny :o?
[00:01] Zpektrix_TAS> or waiting that 5mins game
[00:01] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[00:02] D4R_OP> i saw last spin 4walls game
[00:02] D4R_OP> and he quicked
[00:02] D4R_OP> :wow:
[00:02] Zpektrix_TAS> yes
[00:02] Zpektrix_TAS> did you see that
[00:02] Zpektrix_TAS> he is telling me not to quit every game and he does
[00:03] D4R_OP> yop, that was weird, especially for him
[00:03] Zpektrix_TAS> its normal for me
[00:04] Zpektrix_TAS> i showed him a mercy
[00:04] Zpektrix_TAS> its since 2012
[00:04] Zpektrix_TAS> :)
[00:06] LockdowN_TAS> waiting for Spin
[00:07] LockdowN_TAS> i need some of his humour
[00:07] Zpektrix_TAS> finish him under 8mins then
[00:07] Zpektrix_TAS> i wanna see him getting owned hard
[00:07] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[00:07] D4R_OP> lool
[00:08] [Rw]FreeMatt in
[00:15] christo0972> lets go ?
[00:16] [GoD]of_Madness in
[00:16] [GoD]of_Madness> :hypers:
[00:16] [D]Doom> party time
[00:16] [GoD]of_Madness> spin losin to big eric n jjay
[00:16] [D]Doom> have a good night guys
[00:16] [D]Doom out
[00:18] D4R_OP> christo0972> lets go ?
[00:18] D4R_OP> na, we have X
[00:18] D4R_OP> and he's trollin anyway
[00:19] christo0972> k
[00:19] [GoD]of_Madness> cockfuckstlaune
[00:19] D4R_OP> :feelsglassesman:
[00:22] [SW]Sinegeiros> any game
[00:22] [SW]Sinegeiros> oing on?
[00:22] D4R_OP> we're waitin for these guys
[00:22] D4R_OP> the game propably end soon
[00:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg
[00:24] D4R_OP> albert man
[00:24] [SW]BardiKing out
[00:24] D4R_OP> what's goin on
[00:24] [SW]BardiKing in
[00:24] Invisible2> ggwp
[00:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> its erics bird view
[00:24] [Rw]Jops> i got battered all game lol
[00:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> and the beer
[00:24] [AvA]JJaydenn> ggs
[00:24] [D]Jusuf> i could not kill shamans
[00:24] [SW]BardiKing> gn
[00:24] [D]Jusuf> gn
[00:24] [SW]BardiKing> i have to sleep
[00:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> daaaaaaaaaamn
[00:24] [GoD]Spinnifix> map??
[00:24] Lawyer_Johnson> they cant finish me even whit that big doubles whole game
[00:25] [SW]BardiKing out
[00:25] Lucas> Ganaste hijo?
[00:25] Lawyer_Johnson> lol
[00:25] Invisible2> gn bardhi
[00:25] [Rw]AlaN_90> obvio amigo
[00:25] Lucas> Así me gusta
[00:25] Lucas> Tenelos bien pillos a esos giles
[00:25] D4R_OP> mana battle maybe
[00:25] [GoD]Spinnifix> sess time
[00:25] D4R_OP> :nice:
[00:25] [Rw]AlaN_90> los carrie a eric y jj
[00:25] [Rw]AlaN_90> fuerte
[00:25] [Rw]Jops> no jo you were having a nightmare lol
[00:25] Lucas> Y sí si son dos noobs
[00:25] [Rw]AlaN_90> debo haber tenido un kd de 1-30
[00:25] [AvA]JJaydenn> game wasnt looking good when they bd u eric but we pulled through lol
[00:25] [Rw]AlaN_90> xd
[00:25] [D]Jusuf> :V
[00:26] [Rw]AlaN_90> ah bueno 14-14
[00:26] [Rw]AlaN_90> pense que habia sido peor
[00:27] [Rw]AlaN_90> bueno a ver que mierda ceno
[00:27] christo0972 out
[00:27] [Rw]Jops out
[00:27] Invisible2 out
[00:29] adray_tsi in
[00:34] bockwurstlaune out
[00:37] [AvA]JJaydenn> :howdy:
[00:37] [AvA]JJaydenn> fk u lucas btw i won :kekyou:
[00:37] [AvA]JJaydenn out
[00:37] Zpektrix_TAS out
[00:42] Lucas> that because you allied my trainee Alan
[00:43] [Rw]AlaN_90> xd
[00:50] MrSmokin_Hottie26 out
[00:51] [Rw]AlaN_90> hw youre unmatched
[00:51] [Rw]AlaN_90> noones worth of 1v1 you
[00:53] Bignoobmanfr in
[00:53] [Rw]FreeMatt> tru hw very good
[00:53] bockwurstlaune in
[01:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> right bock
[01:01] [Rw]FreeMatt> hw #1
[01:01] SprdSheetMonkey_TSI in
[01:07] LockdowN_TAS out
[01:09] LockdowN_TAS in
[01:12] adray_tsi out
[01:15] Bignoobmanfr out
[01:16] [Rw]Headhunterz> meh gg
[01:16] LockdowN_TAS> yo someone explain
[01:16] LockdowN_TAS> my war hut doesnt work
[01:16] [GoD]of_Madness> gg that was a sweet match
[01:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg
[01:16] D4R_OP> nice 1.05 eh danny?
[01:16] D4R_OP> :nice:
[01:16] [GoD]of_Madness> spin casting fs like blast in every shaman duel
[01:17] [GoD]of_Madness> :mad:
[01:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> i saw you made a spin
[01:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> and play without huts
[01:17] [D]Jusuf> something is off with my lights today
[01:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> stop that
[01:17] [GoD]Spinnifix> thats my signature move
[01:17] [GoD]of_Madness> :fire:
[01:17] [D]Jusuf> ive been hackd
[01:17] [Rw]Headhunterz> 28 shaman kills mvp
[01:17] [D]Jusuf> and they made my lights miss :(
[01:17] [GoD]of_Madness> burned 1 spin hut n 1 spin tree
[01:17] [GoD]of_Madness> gave us game :pog:
[01:18] [D]Jusuf> i didnt realize
[01:18] [D]Jusuf> how big your pop got psin
[01:19] [D]Jusuf> go 3v3
[01:19] [Rw]AlaN_90> :joseph:
[01:20] [SW]Sinegeiros> yeh can we
[01:20] D4R_OP> :joseph:
[01:20] [SW]Sinegeiros> 2:20 am
[01:20] [SW]Sinegeiros> as soon as better
[01:20] Lawyer_Johnson out
[01:20] LockdowN_TAS> 1 more
[01:20] [GoD]of_Madness> :joseph:
[01:20] [GoD]of_Madness out
[01:20] [D]Jusuf> :monkasss:
[01:20] D4R_OP> :monkagun:
[01:20] [D]Jusuf> :peepostab:
[01:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> k
[01:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> map
[01:20] [GoD]Spinnifix> ?
[01:21] [D]Jusuf> how about sess
[01:21] [D]Jusuf> jk xD
[01:21] D4R_OP> tom albert
[01:21] D4R_OP> man
[01:21] D4R_OP> :nice:
[01:21] [Rw]Headhunterz> push
[01:21] [GoD]Spinnifix> ok push?
[01:21] LockdowN_TAS> yes :good:
[01:21] D4R_OP> push sucks
[01:21] D4R_OP> gg
[01:21] [D]Jusuf> i need 3 min brb
[01:22] [Rw]FreeMatt> kik the afk
[01:22] [Rw]FreeMatt> lemme in
[01:22] LockdowN_TAS> u front Spin?
[01:22] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye
[01:22] [Rw]AlaN_90> me front
[01:22] [Rw]FreeMatt> hw front
[01:24] bockwurstlaune out
[01:28] Bignoobmanfr in
[01:29] Franco_Colapinto in
[01:29] Franco_Colapinto> q haces chupapijas
[01:30] [Rw]FreeMatt> afk
[01:37] adray_tsi in
[01:39] Franco_Colapinto out
[01:44] Garcia1994 in
[01:50] Greenpopgrowth_tsi in
[01:51] Greenpopgrowth_tsi out
[01:55] Lucas> Franquito te quedaste sin butaca pecho frio
[01:58] Garcia1994 out
[02:14] Ayebee out
[02:14] Garrbee out
[02:14] Lucas> gg ez
[02:15] bockwurstlaune in
[02:15] [SW]Sinegeiros> goo night martes
[02:15] LockdowN_TAS> nite
[02:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> loooooooool alan
[02:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> feels glasses man
[02:16] [D]Jusuf> gn
[02:16] [Rw]Headhunterz> gg
[02:16] [Rw]AlaN_90> for my friend D4R_OP
[02:16] D4R_OP> :feelsglassesman:
[02:16] [Rw]Headhunterz> goodnight
[02:16] [Rw]AlaN_90> carried me hard
[02:16] [Rw]Headhunterz out
[02:16] [Rw]AlaN_90> joe very campy
[02:16] [Rw]AlaN_90> xd
[02:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> lolll
[02:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> danny
[02:16] [GoD]Spinnifix> 40 pop all game
[02:17] [D]Jusuf> no alan
[02:17] [D]Jusuf> i didnt camp once
[02:17] [D]Jusuf> dont lie
[02:17] LockdowN_TAS> lmaoo
[02:17] [D]Jusuf> you sat in a tower and lit me
[02:17] [D]Jusuf> first
[02:17] LockdowN_TAS> and yet, you still managed to get those spells
[02:17] LockdowN_TAS> nice hack spin
[02:17] LockdowN_TAS> had 150 pop whole game and i didnt charge volc
[02:17] LockdowN_TAS> :kekw:
[02:17] [D]Jusuf> also stop pretending to be drunk lol
[02:18] [Rw]AlaN_90> oh its gone now
[02:18] [Rw]AlaN_90> [23:17] [D]Jusuf> you sat in a tower and lit me
[02:18] [Rw]AlaN_90> pics or didnt happen
[02:18] D4R_OP> LockdowN_TAS> had 150 pop whole game and i didnt charge volc
[02:18] D4R_OP> I don't even remember when I charged the volcano :feelsglassesman:
[02:18] [D]Jusuf> idk man i dont like back base on that map
[02:18] LockdowN_TAS> cba with volc
[02:18] D4R_OP> too op for me
[02:18] D4R_OP> :nice:
[02:18] LockdowN_TAS> just make lots of wars
[02:18] LockdowN_TAS> and spam eqs
[02:18] LockdowN_TAS> :kekw:
[02:19] [Rw]AlaN_90> we didnt cast a single volc did we
[02:19] LockdowN_TAS> yepp
[02:19] [Rw]AlaN_90> they were all theirs
[02:19] LockdowN_TAS> they landed 3 i think
[02:19] D4R_OP> in mine and alan's base
[02:19] D4R_OP> :nice:
[02:19] D4R_OP> and urs
[02:19] LockdowN_TAS> yeaa
[02:19] LockdowN_TAS> Spin doesnt get it
[02:19] LockdowN_TAS> somehow
[02:19] LockdowN_TAS> :fu:
[02:20] [Rw]AlaN_90> :ninety:
[02:20] [Rw]AlaN_90> :feelsglassesman:
[02:20] [Rw]AlaN_90> :spin:
[02:20] [Rw]AlaN_90> :danny:
[02:20] [Rw]AlaN_90> :v
[02:20] [D]Jusuf> :peepolovespride: to you all
[02:20] D4R_OP> I didn't even move my pop then coz I started having spikes
[02:20] D4R_OP> :nice:
[02:20] Lucas> Ganaste de nuevo hijo?
[02:20] [D]Jusuf> :peepolovepride:
[02:21] LockdowN_TAS> they deleted my emoji alan
[02:21] LockdowN_TAS> :pepewhy:
[02:21] D4R_OP> :danny:
[02:21] D4R_OP> :feelsglassesman:
[02:21] [D]Jusuf> :ress:
[02:21] [GoD]Spinnifix out
[02:21] [D]Jusuf> :feelsnihaoman:
[02:22] LockdowN_TAS> damn Spin
[02:22] LockdowN_TAS> are u drunk
[02:22] LockdowN_TAS> what are these msg
[02:22] LockdowN_TAS> cute man
[02:22] LockdowN_TAS> :kekw:
[02:23] [D]Jusuf> neither alan or spin were drunk
[02:23] [D]Jusuf> they just say to be edgy
[02:23] [D]Jusuf> and cool
[02:23] [Rw]AlaN_90> [23:20] Lucas> Ganaste de nuevo hijo?
[02:23] LockdowN_TAS> well Joseph
[02:23] [D]Jusuf> gn tho :poof:
[02:23] [D]Jusuf out
[02:23] LockdowN_TAS> Spin will always be Spin
[02:23] [Rw]AlaN_90> toy para el meme de dumbledore
[02:23] [Rw]AlaN_90> alan se los esta cogiendo a todos
[02:24] D4R_OP> :howdy: guyz
[02:24] D4R_OP out
[02:24] LockdowN_TAS> :howdy:
[02:24] LockdowN_TAS> :peepoleave:
[02:24] LockdowN_TAS out
[02:29] bockwurstlaune out
[02:33] Lucas out
[02:35] Updog_TSI out
[02:35] Updog_TSI in
[02:36] Kayin in
[02:36] Kayin out
[02:36] Kayin in
[02:45] [Rw]FreeMatt out
[02:55] Franco_Colapinto in
[02:56] Franco_Colapinto out
[02:58] Franco_Colapinto in
[02:59] Franco_Colapinto> lucas 1v1
[03:01] [Rw]AlaN_90> @Spawn
[03:03] Franco_Colapinto> me levante a las 8pm
[03:03] Franco_Colapinto> asi q
[03:03] Franco_Colapinto> la va a comer
[03:05] Greenpopgrowth_tsi in
[03:05] Greenpopgrowth_tsi out
[03:25] [SW]Sinegeiros in
[03:27] [SW]Sinegeiros out
[03:59] Bignoobmanfr out
[04:11] [Rw]AlaN_90 out
[04:12] Franco_Colapinto> i kiicked ur ass at start at least
[04:13] Updog_TSI> you thought you had me ?
[04:13] Updog_TSI> you never had me
[04:13] Updog_TSI> you never had your car
[04:14] Franco_Colapinto> fucking colour always growth better than red
[04:14] Franco_Colapinto> lol
[04:15] Franco_Colapinto> gn manhave to go
[04:15] Franco_Colapinto out
[04:27] [SW]Sinegeiros out
[05:10] Bignoobmanfr in
[05:14] Kayin out
[05:14] Kayin in
[05:14] Updog_TSI> 3 points
[05:14] Updog_TSI> call me steph curry
[05:15] Kayin> LOL
[05:15] Kayin> which colour u want
[05:16] Updog_TSI> idm
[05:16] Updog_TSI> yell
[05:17] Kayin> kk
[05:53] adray_tsi out
[05:57] Kayin> wp man
[05:57] Updog_TSI> disgusting
[05:58] Kayin> clicking hard there?
[05:58] Updog_TSI> no not bad
[05:58] Kayin> but i know delay of a moment
[05:59] Updog_TSI> mm yeah it wasnt bad
[06:00] Updog_TSI> hads a good start really fumbled it like a retard
[06:01] Kayin> you lost fws there
[06:01] Kayin> i could see empty towers xD
[06:03] Updog_TSI> ya felt like a few times i sent to train and they didnt
[06:04] Updog_TSI> may have mis inputed idk
[06:04] Updog_TSI> i need a win on ur host to assert dominance
[06:05] Updog_TSI> sure
[06:05] Kayin> only when u can handle 200 ping :>
[06:05] Updog_TSI> i will
[06:06] Updog_TSI> maybe
[06:16] Bignoobmanfr out
[06:22] Kayin> gg wp
[07:36] Kayin> you got more pop this time
[07:38] Updog_TSI> ur the big dog now
[07:40] Kayin> im chiwawa :>
[07:42] Kayin out
[07:42] Kayin in
[07:43] Kayin out
[07:43] Kayin in
[07:43] Kayin out
[07:43] Kayin in
[08:10] AtomicO_o in
[08:25] Kayin> gg wp
[08:26] Kayin> its was hard man
[08:35] Kayin out
[08:35] AtomicO_o> LATER MAYBE
[08:35] AtomicO_o out
[08:35] Updog_TSI out
[08:36] AtomicO_o in
[08:36] AtomicO_o out
[09:04] AtomicO_o in
[09:04] AtomicO_o out
[09:13] hankyeh in
[09:16] hankyeh out
[09:28] bockwurstlaune in
[09:29] Kayin in
[09:30] bockwurstlaune out
[09:37] jammy in
[09:37] [SW]BardiKing in
[09:41] [SW]BardiKing in
[09:45] [SW]BardiKing out
[09:47] [SW]BardiKing in
[09:48] [SW]BardiKing out
[09:48] AtomicO_o in
[09:50] AtomicO_o> hi
[09:50] AtomicO_o> kaying wanna play 1v1?
[09:50] AtomicO_o> kayn*
[09:50] AtomicO_o> kayin*
[09:51] Kayin> ok
[09:51] Kayin> sec
[09:51] Kayin out
[09:52] Kayin in
[09:52] Kayin out
[09:52] Kayin in
[09:53] AtomicO_o> plug in cable
[09:53] AtomicO_o> wich tribe prefer?
[09:53] Kayin> any is fine
[10:04] [SW]BardiKing out
[10:10] AtomicO_o> my fuking mouse
[10:10] Kayin> gg wp
[10:10] AtomicO_o> porcod iooooopo0o09o
[10:10] AtomicO_o> porco dio
[10:10] AtomicO_o> no fuck my mouse
[10:10] Kayin> lol
[10:10] Kayin> fix it first
[10:10] AtomicO_o> all miss clicks
[10:10] AtomicO_o> fuk man
[10:10] AtomicO_o> fuck sakeà
[10:10] AtomicO_o out
[10:15] jammy> he quits always
[10:19] AtomicO_o in
[10:22] Franco_Colapinto in
[10:23] Franco_Colapinto out
[10:23] jammy out
[10:25] AtomicO_o out
[10:26] Kayin out
[10:32] bockwurstlaune in
[10:32] bockwurstlaune out
[10:40] Vertigo in
[10:44] Vertigo out
[10:45] [SW]Sinegeiros in
[10:47] _[SW]Sinegeiros in
[10:48] _[SW]Sinegeiros out
[10:48] [SW]Sinegeiros in
[10:51] [SW]Sinegeiros out
[10:52] AtomicO_o in
[10:56] bockwurstlaune in
[10:56] AtomicO_o out
[10:56] Vertigo in
[11:01] bockwurstlaune out
[11:03] AtomicO_o in
[11:09] AtomicO_o> good morning abri
[11:09] AtomicO_o> arbrim
[11:11] [SW]Sinegeiros> morning mixyy
[11:14] bockwurstlaune in
[11:14] AtomicO_o> hey bigbock
[11:15] AtomicO_o> suppa
[11:16] AtomicO_o> dark lord :D
[11:16] bockwurstlaune> going eat
[11:16] bockwurstlaune out
[11:17] Vertigo> yoshi
[11:18] AtomicO_o> gtg eatù
[11:18] AtomicO_o out
[11:19] [Rw]Headhunterz in
[11:19] [Rw]Headhunterz out
[11:38] jammy in
[11:39] jammy out
[11:41] bockwurstlaune in
[11:44] bockwurstlaune out
[11:48] Vertigo out
[11:52] Dougs in
[11:54] [D]Doom in
[12:03] Warp_drive> avada kedavra !! ,l gay love ofr all
[12:10] Zpektrix_TAS in
[12:10] Zpektrix_TAS out
[12:10] Zpektrix_TAS in
[12:16] [SW]Sinegeiros out
[12:34] [Rw]Headhunterz in
[12:34] [Rw]Headhunterz out
[12:53] [Rw]Headhunterz in
[12:58] [SW]Sinegeiros in
[13:03] AtomicO_o in
[13:03] AtomicO_o out
[13:03] AtomicO_o in
[13:13] AtomicO_o out
[13:14] [SW]BardiKing in
[13:21] AtomicO_o in
[13:22] [Rw]Headhunterz> alright lets go for spy rank next
[13:24] [D]Jusuf> I think you can pull it off headhunter
[13:25] [SW]BardiKing> wtf
[13:25] AtomicO_o> why head
[13:25] AtomicO_o> im so bad?
[13:25] [Rw]Headhunterz> cuz 4walls sucks
[13:25] [SW]BardiKing> really
[13:25] [SW]BardiKing> you said the best
[13:25] [Rw]Headhunterz> yes you are compared to sin
[13:26] [SW]Sinegeiros> moment
[13:26] [SW]Sinegeiros> xoni has come to my house
[13:26] AtomicO_o> lmao
[13:26] [SW]Sinegeiros> im leaving him play
[13:26] [SW]Sinegeiros out
[13:26] AtomicO_o> head id k if i can beat arbrim but i beated 1 shaman
[13:26] AtomicO_o> 1 time but i did
[13:26] AtomicO_o> :D
[13:26] AtomicO_o> sec going grab drink
[13:26] [SW]BardiKing> head hell you do
[13:29] AtomicO_o> +3
[13:29] AtomicO_o> +2
[13:30] AtomicO_o> bardi gimme rematch
[13:30] AtomicO_o> :D
[13:30] AtomicO_o> ill give u some points
[13:30] [SW]Sinegeiros in
[13:30] [SW]Sinegeiros> he cant find his pw
[13:30] [SW]Sinegeiros> +2
[13:30] AtomicO_o> who is xoni on pop?
[13:30] [SW]Sinegeiros> [sw]tacitus
[13:30] AtomicO_o> oh
[13:30] [SW]Sinegeiros> nvm couldnt find pw
[13:31] [SW]Sinegeiros> +1
[13:31] [SW]Sinegeiros> Headhunterz: wanna pp?
[13:31] [Rw]Headhunterz> nah i wanne sess
[13:31] AtomicO_o> funny
[13:31] AtomicO_o> pp its fun
[13:31] [SW]BardiKing> yes
[13:31] [SW]BardiKing> its the best one
[13:31] [SW]Sinegeiros> BardiKing & mix wanna sess?
[13:31] AtomicO_o> i would make pp without mid hill
[13:31] AtomicO_o> idm arbrim
[13:31] [SW]BardiKing> no
[13:31] [Rw]Headhunterz> nah its not i was playing pp when you were not even a sperm cell done it enough lol
[13:31] AtomicO_o> any
[13:32] [SW]BardiKing> sess no
[13:32] [SW]Sinegeiros> ok no sess
[13:32] [SW]Sinegeiros> +1
[13:32] AtomicO_o> lmao head
[13:32] AtomicO_o> try beat addiction in pp
[13:32] [Rw]Headhunterz> i did
[13:32] AtomicO_o> i did 1 time
[13:32] [Rw]Headhunterz> many times
[13:32] AtomicO_o> he was good
[13:32] AtomicO_o> i heard he is dead?
[13:32] [Rw]Headhunterz> i used to be shaman bro lol
[13:32] [Rw]Headhunterz> ye he is
[13:32] AtomicO_o> :rip:
[13:32] AtomicO_o> ah u were shaman?
[13:33] [Rw]Headhunterz> yep
[13:33] AtomicO_o> lol old league maybe with terato general
[13:33] AtomicO_o> ecc
[13:33] AtomicO_o> etc
[13:33] [Rw]Headhunterz> i started on ea
[13:33] [Rw]Headhunterz> and here 2005
[13:33] AtomicO_o> nice
[13:33] AtomicO_o> join sess
[13:33] [Rw]Headhunterz> like i said bardi wasnt even a sperm cell when i was playing pp :P
[13:33] AtomicO_o> if u dont trust me in pp
[13:34] AtomicO_o> ah i missunderstood
[13:35] [Rw]Headhunterz> well we will have a game somewere in the next 5 hours
[13:35] [SW]Sinegeiros> a po lun
[13:35] [SW]Sinegeiros> me xonin
[13:35] [SW]Sinegeiros> bardh
[13:35] AtomicO_o> join head
[13:35] [SW]Sinegeiros> oki
[13:35] AtomicO_o> we do sess
[13:35] [SW]Sinegeiros> AtomicO_o: soeey doing with bardhi
[13:35] [SW]Sinegeiros> no sess wor head
[13:35] AtomicO_o> ?
[13:36] AtomicO_o> can i spec 1v1
[13:36] [SW]Sinegeiros> let him not play
[13:36] [SW]Sinegeiros> or play stupid maps
[13:36] AtomicO_o> sure
[13:36] [Rw]Headhunterz> il do craters
[13:36] AtomicO_o> ye too flat land in sess
[13:36] AtomicO_o> split and 2v1
[13:36] AtomicO_o> cr8 nice
[13:36] [SW]Sinegeiros> twitch.tv/silentshaman1
[13:38] Kayin in
[13:38] AtomicO_o> already follow u
[13:38] AtomicO_o> i cant join u?
[13:39] AtomicO_o> kayin wanna rematch pp?
[13:41] Kayin out
[13:48] Kayin in
[13:48] Kayin out
[13:49] Kayin in
[13:50] christo0972 in
[13:50] AtomicO_o> christo shaman
[13:50] AtomicO_o> come and beat me
[13:51] christo0972> impossible
[13:51] christo0972> to beat u
[13:51] christo0972> but i can try
[13:51] AtomicO_o> wanna unranked or we ally up
[13:51] AtomicO_o> if i win ill ally u
[13:51] christo0972> ranked no ally up ^^
[13:52] AtomicO_o> if u win ull take pts
[13:52] christo0972> i love competition
[13:52] AtomicO_o> i wont stole pts from u
[13:52] christo0972> same for u
[13:52] AtomicO_o> wanna yellow or red?
[13:52] christo0972> i dt play for points
[13:52] AtomicO_o> me for glory
[13:52] christo0972> as u wish
[13:52] AtomicO_o> :D
[13:52] christo0972> yeah
[13:54] AtomicO_o> https://coinbase.com/join/NDHXMKJ?src=android-whatsapp 10 euro for free no deposit
[14:03] [D]Jusuf in
[14:11] christo0972> gg
[14:11] [AvA]lanche in
[14:11] christo0972> i dt arrive to play that map sry
[14:12] AtomicO_o> its ez pp
[14:12] christo0972> i need experience to play it
[14:12] AtomicO_o> just let attack u enemy charge right spells
[14:12] AtomicO_o> ur
[14:12] AtomicO_o> u need some luck he doesnt do good damage
[14:12] christo0972> u know i have 1 million of questions
[14:14] AtomicO_o out
[14:14] christo0972> how many brave per hut on th e same time how many brave to cut compared of the population when to harvest how many huts to upgrade how many troops at start
[14:14] christo0972> 1 millions
[14:14] AtomicO_o in
[14:15] AtomicO_o> why quit christo
[14:15] AtomicO_o> i could ally u
[14:15] christo0972> dw
[14:15] AtomicO_o> i dont need ez pts
[14:15] AtomicO_o> soz :D
[14:15] AtomicO_o out
[14:15] AtomicO_o in
[14:16] AtomicO_o> pp tom +1
[14:16] christo0972> stop pp
[14:16] AtomicO_o> lol its like tom
[14:16] christo0972> plz u guy just play thaat map
[14:16] AtomicO_o> if u know pp ure a good player
[14:16] AtomicO_o> :D
[14:17] christo0972> crazy not
[14:17] AtomicO_o> ok so map?
[14:17] AtomicO_o> pp?
[14:17] AtomicO_o> :kekyou:
[14:17] christo0972> if u know how to climm that mountain its ok
[14:17] christo0972> climb
[14:17] AtomicO_o> ahah
[14:17] AtomicO_o> zig zag
[14:17] AtomicO_o> shaman goes up fast
[14:17] christo0972> pp is just a tricks map
[14:17] AtomicO_o> ye indeed
[14:17] AtomicO_o> many clicks
[14:18] christo0972> and for fast players
[14:18] christo0972> true
[14:18] christo0972> i just click 1.7 per s
[14:18] [D]Doom> hunter host 6p
[14:19] christo0972> so in 2400 second game i click like 600 less than u if u click 2 per second
[14:19] AtomicO_o> christo :D
[14:19] christo0972> a guy with a little brain can be fw rank easily if he is faste and know the basics
[14:20] christo0972> 300 click less than u sry
[14:21] AtomicO_o> _LOL_
[14:21] [D]Jusuf out
[14:22] AtomicO_o> +3
[14:22] AtomicO_o> hi toruk
[14:23] christo0972> i am working for balance building and managing mana
[14:25] christo0972> ithink 2/3 building 1/3 mana ( 1/3 in hut) is probably the best way to optimize our base and continue to grow up pop
[14:25] AtomicO_o> good
[14:26] Maztodonte-Perras in
[14:26] christo0972> my question is when we have to much brave and dt whant to much of them on a same hut how to manage them
[14:27] christo0972> i think by cutting trees and bring that wood the nearest possible of the hut because we dt lose time when they cut on the same tree but when they build on the same hut they are more slower than less brave building alone or by two braves
[14:27] AtomicO_o> Maztodonte-Perras> 2v2
[14:27] AtomicO_o> i wont kick nobody
[14:28] christo0972> just the last one can wait
[14:28] [AvA]lanche> Mix> hi toruk Hi Mix
[14:28] christo0972> ok nice
[14:28] AtomicO_o> tomicO_o + [AvA]lanche + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. Maztodonte-Perras + christo0972 + [D]Doom
[14:28] [D]Doom> sess?
[14:28] AtomicO_o> ye
[14:31] AtomicO_o> 2v2 sess?
[14:31] [Rw]Headhunterz> fine
[14:31] christo0972> ok
[14:31] AtomicO_o> AtomicO_o + [AvA]lanche vs. christo0972 + [Rw]Headhunterz
[14:31] [GoD]FreeInca in
[14:32] [D]Doom> el chichis
[14:33] [GoD]FreeInca> muerto esta esto
[14:34] jammy in
[14:35] Warp_drive> 1VS1
[14:35] Warp_drive> 1VS1 Jammy
[14:35] Warp_drive> pp
[14:36] jammy> i would, but i am not in mood to tolerate the bb
[14:42] Mammy_Tas in
[14:42] [AvA]Soma- in
[14:42] Mammy_Tas> :heyguyz: :tree1:
[14:42] [AvA]Soma-> hi Mammy
[14:42] Mammy_Tas> Hi Soma :)
[14:45] [D]Doom> if chichis host maybe we have 2v2
[14:47] [GoD]of_Madness in
[14:49] Mammy_Tas> is he a better host for you doom :o?
[14:49] [D]Doom> right now only chichis
[14:50] Mammy_Tas> I see
[14:50] [AvA]Soma-> sorry but i don't play on 250 ping on his host
[14:51] [D]Doom> lol
[14:52] Mowgli in
[14:52] Mowgli> Populous, el comienzo
[14:53] Mowgli out
[14:55] Finn in
[14:57] [D]Doom> mowgli manco
[14:57] [GoD]of_Madness> Populous, el puto mowgli de los cojones.
[14:57] [GoD]of_Madness> :fu:
[14:58] Invisible2 in
[14:59] [AvA]Soma-> we brandy
[14:59] Invisible2> buon pomeriggio soma
[14:59] [AvA]Soma-> tutto bene?
[14:59] Invisible2> sisi, tu come stai?
[14:59] [AvA]Soma-> bene bene dai
[15:00] [GoD]of_Madness> muy bene?
[15:00] [GoD]of_Madness> sisii
[15:01] [AvA]Soma-> muy
[15:03] Invisible2 out
[15:04] Invisible2 in
[15:09] Invisible2 out
[15:09] Invisible2 in
[15:11] [AvA]Soma-> +1
[15:15] AtomicO_o> god damn
[15:15] AtomicO_o> shit game
[15:15] AtomicO_o> mouse didnt work properly god damn shit
[15:15] [Rw]Headhunterz> wtf atomic
[15:15] AtomicO_o> stfu
[15:15] [Rw]Headhunterz> why do you crash the game
[15:15] AtomicO_o> plz
[15:15] [AvA]lanche> always excuss
[15:15] AtomicO_o out
[15:15] [Rw]Headhunterz> you got owned
[15:15] [D]Doom> any change to change map?
[15:15] [D]Doom> chance* to change*
[15:15] [SW]BardiKing out
[15:15] Invisible2> [AvA]Soma- + [AvA]lanche + [D]Doom vs. Mammy_Tas + christo0972 + Invisible2
[15:15] [Rw]Headhunterz> never letting him host again
[15:15] [Rw]Headhunterz> open 8
[15:15] LockdowN_TAS in
[15:16] [AvA]lanche> whoa, Headhunter warrior. So much for being #1. :kekyou:
[15:16] [Rw]Headhunterz> mate you really talking?
[15:16] [Rw]Headhunterz out
[15:16] [GoD]of_Madness> people always says "never" n then they let them host again after 1 min
[15:16] [Rw]Headhunterz in
[15:16] [Rw]Headhunterz> here better>
[15:17] [AvA]lanche> still don't play like a preacher
[15:17] [Rw]Headhunterz> you got completly owned just now?
[15:17] [GoD]lebannen in
[15:17] [Rw]Headhunterz> and your talking
[15:17] [Rw]Headhunterz> you couldnt win a single light fight
[15:17] [Rw]Headhunterz> 30 shaman kills go talk to a wall mate :)
[15:17] [GoD]of_Madness> [GoD]of_Madness> people always says "never" n then they let them host again after 1 min
[15:18] [GoD]of_Madness> Headhunterz: :smirk:
[15:18] [SW]Tacitus in
[15:18] [GoD]of_Madness> game too ded brah
[15:18] [GoD]of_Madness> u cant say never
[15:18] [Rw]Headhunterz> i had to drag christo along as well christo you really need to start moving your damn shaman
[15:18] [GoD]of_Madness> :pog:
[15:20] acara2 in
[15:20] [SW]Sinegeiros out
[15:24] [GoD]of_Madness> :joseph:
[15:25] Maztodonte-Perras> grrrr
[15:25] Warp_drive> gg wp
[15:26] Warp_drive> rematch?
[15:27] [SW]Sinegeiros in
[15:27] [SW]Sinegeiros> +2
[15:27] MrSmokin_Hottie26 in
[15:28] [GoD]of_Madness> koopa fkin sucks ;pog:
[15:28] [GoD]of_Madness> :pog:
[15:28] [SW]Sinegeiros> MrSmokin_Hottie26: get a ping
[15:28] [SW]Sinegeiros> or use radminvpn
[15:28] [SW]Sinegeiros> https://i.imgur.com/eAMN6zN.png
[15:32] Kayin out
[15:33] Warp_drive> the school of the future is on brilliant.org
[15:37] Warp_drive> foret about university , you can learn it all on brilliant.org
[15:39] Warp_drive> math , programming, logic, fun, and many other things and its only 10 usd a month!
[15:42] Warp_drive> yes don gato
[15:42] Warp_drive> you can go to university in your basement
[15:42] Warp_drive> brilliant.org
[15:44] MrSmokin_Hottie26> tf they didnt even pm
[15:44] Warp_drive> efff school
[15:44] Warp_drive> internet is the new school
[15:45] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :monkahmm:
[15:45] MrSmokin_Hottie26> tf r u doin here diego dont u got burritos to roll
[15:45] MrSmokin_Hottie26> same goes for cihchis :eyes:
[15:47] Warp_drive> i effing love brilliant.org, fun questions
[15:50] jammy out
[15:53] [SW]Sinegeiros> gg wp
[15:53] [Rw]Headhunterz> i hate walls so much man
[15:53] [SW]Tacitus> gg
[15:53] [SW]Sinegeiros> pp?
[15:54] Itsuna in
[15:55] Itsuna out
[15:56] LockdowN_TAS in
[15:57] MrSmokin_Hottie26 out
[15:58] MrSmokin_Hottie26 in
[15:58] Warp_drive> you he4r this guys
[15:58] Warp_drive> i owned mazto
[15:58] Warp_drive> on pp
[15:58] MrSmokin_Hottie26> hard to believe
[15:58] Maztodonte-Perras> no osur this day i play bad
[15:58] Maztodonte-Perras> jaja
[15:58] Warp_drive> lol
[15:58] Maztodonte-Perras> you see dif today
[15:58] [SW]Sinegeiros> get into this app and get ping
[15:58] Warp_drive> nah beat me
[15:58] MrSmokin_Hottie26> show the game results bro :eyes:
[15:58] [SW]Sinegeiros> or leave my hut
[15:58] [SW]Sinegeiros> https://i.imgur.com/wWfxpcu.png
[15:58] Warp_drive> you can see it
[15:58] Warp_drive> i cant win him
[15:58] Warp_drive> hes way better than me
[15:58] Warp_drive> and also hes not a priest rank
[15:58] [SW]Sinegeiros> told you 100 hundred time how ping is fixed and u dont want to fix it
[15:59] Warp_drive> hes a fw rank
[15:59] [SW]Sinegeiros> +2
[15:59] MrSmokin_Hottie26> anyone can host me
[15:59] Warp_drive> but he denied my new game offer
[15:59] MrSmokin_Hottie26> somehow u broke that bro
[15:59] Warp_drive> i think hes scared
[15:59] MrSmokin_Hottie26> allllll can host me but now u cant
[15:59] MrSmokin_Hottie26> sounds like a u thing brah
[15:59] Warp_drive> because im going to EFF him out
[15:59] [SW]Sinegeiros> i dont know what happens
[15:59] [SW]Sinegeiros> pings dont work since 2009
[15:59] [SW]Sinegeiros> sometimes work sometimes not
[15:59] Mammy_Tas> gg
[16:00] [SW]Sinegeiros> the way i found to fix it is this app
[16:00] [AvA]Soma-> gg , idk why quit
[16:00] Invisible2> ggwp
[16:00] [AvA]Soma-> but ok
[16:00] christo0972> damn havent time to cast volc
[16:00] LockdowN_TAS out
[16:00] MrSmokin_Hottie26> ye if others use
[16:00] MrSmokin_Hottie26> but if ppl dont
[16:00] MrSmokin_Hottie26> i bet it dont work for most
[16:00] Warp_drive> 6p?
[16:00] MrSmokin_Hottie26> sounds countr productive brah
[16:00] Warp_drive> i dont play 8p
[16:00] Warp_drive> ok
[16:00] Warp_drive> i leave
[16:00] [AvA]lanche> Doom, what happened?
[16:00] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :pog:
[16:00] [SW]Sinegeiros> +1
[16:00] MrSmokin_Hottie26> u do play 8p ossur
[16:00] Warp_drive> i hate 8p
[16:01] MrSmokin_Hottie26> idc
[16:01] Warp_drive> because someone quitts
[16:01] MrSmokin_Hottie26> ull start playing it
[16:01] MrSmokin_Hottie26> today
[16:01] [SW]Sinegeiros> i changed isps to fix ping
[16:01] [SW]Sinegeiros> still didnt
[16:01] MrSmokin_Hottie26> i dont wanna hear no if ands or buts
[16:01] Invisible2> soma can you host? i have to do something 2 mins
[16:01] [SW]Sinegeiros> so that app fixed it and i recommend it to anyone
[16:01] [AvA]Soma-> ok
[16:01] Warp_drive> thank you mr president
[16:01] MrSmokin_Hottie26> come ossur
[16:01] [AvA]Soma-> walls?
[16:01] MrSmokin_Hottie26> no sess
[16:01] Warp_drive> too late
[16:01] Warp_drive> :/(
[16:01] MrSmokin_Hottie26> do w.e
[16:01] MrSmokin_Hottie26> next time bro
[16:01] MrSmokin_Hottie26> i got ur ticket
[16:01] [AvA]Soma-> [AvA]Soma- + [AvA]lanche + [SW]Sinegeiros + [D]Doom vs. Maztodonte-Perras + Invisible2 + MrSmokin_Hottie26 + [SW]Tacitus
[16:02] [AvA]lanche> have no idea how ppl don't get sick of playing walls 100x a day
[16:02] christo0972> smae for pp
[16:02] Warp_drive> because its so easy to beat pros there
[16:02] Warp_drive> its so simple map
[16:02] Warp_drive> allways same
[16:02] Warp_drive> strategy
[16:02] christo0972> i think he need to build other maps
[16:02] Warp_drive> i agree
[16:02] Warp_drive> with that
[16:02] [AvA]lanche> who's he?
[16:02] Warp_drive> toruk
[16:03] christo0972> we
[16:03] christo0972> lol
[16:03] christo0972> Dougs need XD
[16:03] Warp_drive> toruk made like 60% of all maps
[16:03] Warp_drive> that people play
[16:03] christo0972> wow nice
[16:04] [D]Doom> shit
[16:04] [D]Doom> sorry
[16:04] Maztodonte-Perras> idiotaaa
[16:04] [D]Doom> i press esc
[16:04] [D]Doom> dont know that
[16:04] Maztodonte-Perras> sos una mierda gato
[16:04] [AvA]Soma-> Maztodonte-Perras> idiotaaa
[16:04] [AvA]Soma-> lol
[16:05] Invisible2> [17:01] [AvA]Soma-> [AvA]Soma- + [AvA]lanche + [SW]Sinegeiros + [D]Doom vs. Maztodonte-Perras + Invisible2 + MrSmokin_Hottie26 + [SW]Tacitus
[16:05] [AvA]Soma-> soma + soma?
[16:05] Maztodonte-Perras> culo-soma
[16:05] Maztodonte-Perras> grrrr
[16:05] [AvA]Soma-> Hahahaha
[16:05] [AvA]Soma-> wtf is culo soma
[16:06] [AvA]Soma-> soma ass
[16:06] Warp_drive> :P
[16:21] [SW]Fried_Rice> games?
[16:24] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[16:24] [SW]Fried_Rice> man the numbers are looking so bad recently
[16:24] [SW]Fried_Rice> dafuq
[16:24] Finn out
[16:24] [SW]Fried_Rice> +++=something please
[16:33] [AvA]Soma-> doom you are such a quitter dude
[16:33] [D]Doom> true
[16:33] Warp_drive> :hearts:
[16:33] [AvA]Soma-> true but if you keep this way nobody wants to ally you
[16:34] [D]Doom> true too
[16:34] Invisible2> ggwp
[16:34] Maztodonte-Perras> doom eres una semerenda mieradaaaa
[16:34] Warp_drive> 6p
[16:34] [SW]Tacitus out
[16:34] [D]Doom> tambien true maztodonte
[16:34] [AvA]lanche> First Mix, then Doug, and now Doom. SMH :(
[16:34] Warp_drive> i djust hate when people quitt or give up in those 8p games
[16:34] Maztodonte-Perras> DOOM
[16:34] Maztodonte-Perras> is noob
[16:34] Maztodonte-Perras> bro
[16:34] MrSmokin_Hottie26> dayummm i put in some major dmg huh whoever i was playing against
[16:34] [D]Doom> true too maztodonte
[16:34] Warp_drive> close spots
[16:34] Invisible2> you happy i gave you big base, koopa?
[16:35] MrSmokin_Hottie26> i play all bases
[16:35] Invisible2> but whats your favorite?
[16:35] Invisible2> on walls
[16:35] Warp_drive> my fav on walls is either blue or red
[16:35] [AvA]lanche> lost 4 pts today bc of Doom
[16:35] Warp_drive> prolly red tho
[16:35] MrSmokin_Hottie26> idk depends on my allies
[16:35] Warp_drive> brandy close spots
[16:35] Invisible2> i play way better as backbase but i wanna train front base
[16:35] fatkitty in
[16:36] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :monkahmm:
[16:36] Invisible2> Invisible2 + [D]Doom + [SW]Fried_Rice vs. Warp_drive + Maztodonte-Perras + MrSmokin_Hottie26
[16:36] Invisible2> map?
[16:36] Warp_drive> walls
[16:36] [GoD]of_Madness> (it seems koopa still sucks.. ) :monkahmm:
[16:36] [GoD]of_Madness> (the fkin faggit) :monkahmm:
[16:37] MrSmokin_Hottie26> hope not i alone am carrying the god name :king:
[16:38] fatkitty out
[16:42] [D]Jusuf in
[16:43] [D]Jusuf> Chichis mi amor
[16:43] [AvA]Soma- out
[16:49] [GoD]Blanka in
[16:52] [GoD]of_Madness out
[16:52] Merlo in
[16:58] acara2 out
[16:59] LockdowN_TAS in
[17:00] [GoD]of_Madness in
[17:00] LockdowN_TAS out
[17:01] [GoD]of_Madness out
[17:03] Finn in
[17:06] [D]Jusuf out
[17:10] [GoD]FreeInca out
[17:16] Invisible2> gg
[17:16] Warp_drive> gg
[17:16] Maztodonte-Perras> GG
[17:16] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :king:
[17:16] Warp_drive> 6 way?
[17:16] christo0972> ok
[17:16] Maztodonte-Perras> yte
[17:16] Maztodonte-Perras> iudfhvkjdfhvidsfhicvu
[17:16] Maztodonte-Perras> ywe
[17:16] Maztodonte-Perras> 4 way
[17:16] [GoD]Blanka> grrrrrrrrr
[17:16] Maztodonte-Perras> 6p
[17:16] Maztodonte-Perras> 8p
[17:16] Maztodonte-Perras> grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
[17:16] christo0972> 6
[17:16] Maztodonte-Perras> biancaaaaa
[17:16] christo0972> ?
[17:16] Warp_drive> 6p
[17:16] [GoD]Blanka> lol
[17:17] christo0972> 8
[17:17] Warp_drive> close spots brandy
[17:17] Invisible2> wait i need to pee, maybe we get 2 more
[17:17] Warp_drive> 6p
[17:17] christo0972> for Bianka
[17:17] [GoD]Blanka> wut?
[17:20] Invisible2> map?
[17:20] Warp_drive> way
[17:20] [D]Doom> walls again
[17:20] [D]Doom> no complain
[17:20] Invisible2> Invisible2 + [SW]Sinegeiros + Warp_drive + [AvA]lanche vs. christo0972 + Maztodonte-Perras + [SW]Fried_Rice + [D]Doom
[17:20] Maztodonte-Perras> way
[17:20] Invisible2> way sucks
[17:20] [GoD]Blanka> ^^
[17:20] Maztodonte-Perras> bro no
[17:20] Invisible2> hm
[17:20] [AvA]lanche> Groundhopper
[17:20] Invisible2> what about central dogma?
[17:20] Maztodonte-Perras> balanve teams
[17:20] [AvA]lanche> Mana Battle
[17:21] Invisible2> its 3v3 map
[17:21] Maztodonte-Perras> balance
[17:21] Warp_drive> mana battle?
[17:21] Invisible2> mana battle ok
[17:21] [D]Doom> i want big base invisible
[17:21] Warp_drive> i can change my name on 24. lol thanks inca for christmas present
[17:21] [GoD]Blanka> lol
[17:23] [D]Jusuf> Beeyanka :monkastab:
[17:27] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:27] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:27] Zpektrix_TAS out
[17:27] Zpektrix_TAS in
[17:29] AtomicO_o in
[17:35] LockdowN_TAS in
[17:37] LockdowN_TAS out
[17:40] AtomicO_o out
[17:47] AtomicO_o in
[17:47] AtomicO_o out
[17:49] D4R_OP> Bianka grrrrr
[17:49] D4R_OP> :feelsglassesman:
[18:06] Finn out
[18:06] AtomicO_o in
[18:08] D4R_OP in
[18:12] [D]Jusuf in
[18:13] [D]Jusuf out
[18:13] Bignoobmanfr in
[18:13] [D]Jusuf in
[18:15] adsguyy in
[18:15] [D]Jusuf> selamat siang
[18:16] [D]Jusuf> konnichiwa
[18:17] [D]Jusuf> hoi
[18:19] MrSmokin_Hottie26> christo n bella yall blew that harddd
[18:19] [GoD]Blanka> [18:49] = D4R_OP> Bianka grrrrr
[18:19] [GoD]Blanka> lol
[18:19] [D]Jusuf> Guten tag
[18:19] [GoD]Blanka> hi :joseph:
[18:19] [D]Jusuf> :howdy:
[18:19] [Rw]AlaN_90 in
[18:19] Mammy_Tas> hi :bian: :)
[18:19] [GoD]Blanka> hi :mammy: :)
[18:20] [D]Jusuf> buenos retardes :ninety:
[18:20] [GoD]Blanka> lmao
[18:20] [GoD]Blanka> hi :ninety:
[18:20] [Rw]AlaN_90> lmao
[18:20] [Rw]AlaN_90> spanish hard
[18:20] [Rw]AlaN_90> come back and kick mix guys
[18:20] [Rw]AlaN_90> ill play
[18:20] [Rw]AlaN_90> hi :bian:
[18:21] Warp_drive> gg
[18:21] Lucas in
[18:21] Invisible2> gg wp everyone
[18:21] [SW]Sinegeiros> GG WP!
[18:21] christo0972> gg
[18:21] [AvA]lanche> gg
[18:21] Warp_drive out
[18:21] Invisible2> damn couldnt won 1 light against black
[18:21] Invisible2> fuck me
[18:21] Warp_drive in
[18:21] [Rw]AlaN_90> hi :koopa:
[18:22] [GoD]Blanka> xd
[18:22] MrSmokin_Hottie26> wuts gud ninety :king:
[18:22] Mowgli in
[18:22] [AvA]lanche> is it push time yet?
[18:22] [GoD]Blanka> lets see lol
[18:23] [AvA]lanche> feel like I haven't played that in a while
[18:23] MrSmokin_Hottie26> my gud friend toruk :pepelove:
[18:23] MrSmokin_Hottie26> we became even better m8s
[18:23] MrSmokin_Hottie26> since i forgave u
[18:23] [AvA]lanche> lol
[18:23] [GoD]Blanka> lol
[18:23] MrSmokin_Hottie26> for losing me that 4walls game
[18:23] [AvA]lanche> forgave me for what?
[18:23] MrSmokin_Hottie26> yep
[18:23] [AvA]lanche> haha
[18:25] [AvA]lanche> 3 days till Christmas!
[18:25] [GoD]Blanka> :hypers:
[18:25] [GoD]Blanka> 2 here :>
[18:25] Mowgli> Feliz navidad gente del populous
[18:25] [Rw]AlaN_90> i asked santa for pop 4
[18:25] [AvA]lanche> you know what'd be a great Christmas gift, Koopa? Let me win this game :D
[18:25] [GoD]Blanka> lmao
[18:26] Invisible2> dont bd each other
[18:26] [GoD]Blanka> mammy join :)
[18:27] [Rw]AlaN_90> MrSmokin_Hottie26 + [GoD]Blanka + [AvA]lanche vs. [Rw]AlaN_90 + Mowgli + Lucas
[18:27] [Rw]AlaN_90> current best is delulu
[18:27] [Rw]AlaN_90> lol
[18:27] [AvA]lanche> lol Brandy
[18:27] [GoD]Blanka> you owned me tho :p
[18:27] AtomicO_o> fking confusing map
[18:27] AtomicO_o> shit 1
[18:27] [GoD]Blanka> which map
[18:27] [GoD]Blanka> lol
[18:27] [D]Jusuf> mix you are a dummy
[18:27] AtomicO_o> gin tonic
[18:27] [D]Jusuf> gin tonic
[18:27] Maztodonte-Perras> wtf
[18:27] MrSmokin_Hottie26> mix u wanna host?
[18:27] [GoD]Blanka> lmfao
[18:27] [AvA]lanche> puuuuuuush
[18:28] D4R_OP> then why tf are u joined
[18:28] [Rw]Headhunterz> wtf dude
[18:28] [D]Jusuf> guy builds like a retard
[18:28] AtomicO_o> orange red i was confusing
[18:28] AtomicO_o> omg
[18:28] [Rw]Headhunterz> due your sharing a base
[18:28] [GoD]Blanka> MrSmokin_Hottie26 + [AvA]lanche + [Rw]AlaN_90 + Lucas vs. [GoD]Blanka + Mowgli + AtomicO_o + D4R_OP
[18:28] [Rw]Headhunterz> jezus man
[18:28] LockdowN_TAS> come Tsu
[18:28] Zpektrix_TAS> join mammy
[18:28] AtomicO_o> soz for the waste time
[18:28] MrSmokin_Hottie26> uhhh push?
[18:28] [D]Jusuf> expected w you in hut
[18:28] [D]Doom> inca we need 16p
[18:28] [D]Doom> map
[18:28] MrSmokin_Hottie26> or clover mayhem
[18:29] [Rw]AlaN_90> toruk wanted push
[18:29] [Rw]AlaN_90> why not
[18:29] [GoD]Blanka> i dont wanna be front tho
[18:29] [Rw]AlaN_90> make me front
[18:29] [Rw]AlaN_90> and maybe dar
[18:29] [D]Doom> swap me with zeptrix
[18:29] [GoD]Blanka> can you guys rank up btw. so many warr ranks that arent warr ranks lmao
[18:29] [AvA]lanche> ye, I need to rank down, actually
[18:29] MrSmokin_Hottie26> who wants to be big base?
[18:29] MrSmokin_Hottie26> toruk?
[18:29] [AvA]lanche> sure, w/e
[18:30] AtomicO_o> bianka may be big?
[18:30] AtomicO_o> front i mean
[18:30] [GoD]Blanka> fhk no lol
[18:30] [D]Doom> nice
[18:30] AtomicO_o> :(
[18:30] [Rw]AlaN_90> [15:29] [AvA]lanche> ye, I need to rank down, actually
[18:30] [Rw]AlaN_90> same
[18:30] MrSmokin_Hottie26> who wants to be front base
[18:30] MrSmokin_Hottie26> not me
[18:30] [Rw]AlaN_90> me
[18:30] [Rw]AlaN_90> koopa
[18:30] [Rw]AlaN_90> dar and me
[18:30] Warp_drive> toruk, give us new map for christmas :D
[18:30] [D]Jusuf> yes
[18:30] [D]Doom> hunter before launch pls listen otherplayers
[18:30] [D]Jusuf> please <3
[18:31] [AvA]lanche> I already gave you guys 2 new maps, you don't play them
[18:31] [Rw]AlaN_90> :feelsglassesman:
[18:31] [D]Doom> swap jozef for tsu
[18:31] [GoD]Blanka> lool
[18:31] [Rw]AlaN_90> :joseph:
[18:31] [D]Jusuf> make more for us to not play :pepewhy:
[18:31] [Rw]Headhunterz> you need to stop complaininf
[18:31] [AvA]lanche> lol
[18:31] D4R_OP> :feelsglassesman:
[18:31] [GoD]Blanka> wow 2 8p huts
[18:31] [GoD]Blanka> :nice:
[18:31] D4R_OP> :ninety:
[18:31] [Rw]AlaN_90> inca give us 16p games
[18:31] Warp_drive> toruk, you made walls right? or was it tundar? maybe add more land
[18:31] [GoD]Blanka> but koopa not rotating
[18:31] AtomicO_o> nice to know
[18:31] [GoD]Blanka> as always
[18:31] AtomicO_o> :kek:
[18:31] [AvA]lanche> that was Tundar, Ossur
[18:31] Warp_drive> you can make more land
[18:31] Warp_drive> on walls
[18:31] [D]Doom> 2 times
[18:31] AtomicO_o> ossur 1v1?
[18:32] Warp_drive> nah
[18:32] [D]Jusuf> doom is leaving
[18:32] [AvA]lanche> I'm not messing around with someone else's map
[18:32] AtomicO_o> i fixed mouse
[18:32] [Rw]Headhunterz> doom can you just piss off
[18:32] [D]Doom> im not leaving
[18:32] [D]Jusuf> because he isnt getting what he want
[18:32] [D]Doom> still in connecting....
[18:32] [D]Doom> 2 times
[18:32] [D]Jusuf> hmm
[18:32] Warp_drive> i mean its christmas
[18:32] Warp_drive> i have to meet relatives
[18:32] [D]Jusuf> not because he didnt swap!?
[18:32] Mowgli> wow two 8p games
[18:32] Mowgli> :o
[18:32] [D]Doom> coincidence
[18:32] AtomicO_o> happy easter guys
[18:32] [D]Jusuf> lol
[18:32] Mammy_Tas> 3rd time is the charm :) ?
[18:39] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[18:47] bockwurstlaune in
[18:49] Zpektrix_TAS> i said wrong rotation
[18:49] LockdowN_TAS out
[18:49] Zpektrix_TAS> doesnt matter what happens in game
[18:49] LockdowN_TAS in
[18:50] LockdowN_TAS> hard to play with someone that only whining whole game ffs
[18:50] Zpektrix_TAS> true
[18:50] LockdowN_TAS> guy took most of my land that i only able to build 10 huts max so i had to xpand for myself
[18:50] Bignoobmanfr out
[18:50] LockdowN_TAS> killed my trees
[18:51] LockdowN_TAS> and still whining
[18:51] Zpektrix_TAS> nah danny he took wilds in stead
[18:51] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[18:51] LockdowN_TAS> late fws
[18:51] LockdowN_TAS> saw guy made em 12 mins in
[18:51] LockdowN_TAS> too late
[18:51] Zpektrix_TAS> blue was also late for worship
[18:51] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[18:51] Zpektrix_TAS> he didnt fit as blue base
[18:52] Zpektrix_TAS> i mean island base
[18:52] Zpektrix_TAS> :p
[18:52] LockdowN_TAS> kinda agreed, Head is aggresive typical of player
[18:52] [D]Jusuf> gg
[18:52] [D]Jusuf> i am not playing gin tonic again
[18:52] [D]Jusuf> with players who do not know what a fair base is
[18:53] [Rw]Headhunterz> you guys played so bad it wasnt even funny anymore
[18:53] [D]Jusuf> I almost dedicated first eqs to doom tbh
[18:53] LockdowN_TAS> nah man
[18:53] LockdowN_TAS> cba with that guy who kept whining whole game
[18:53] Mammy_Tas> :aod:
[18:53] LockdowN_TAS> after he took most my space
[18:53] LockdowN_TAS> and trees
[18:53] Mammy_Tas> spamm :)
[18:53] [D]Jusuf> mammy i can take land hogging, he is significantly better player than doom and I
[18:54] Zpektrix_TAS> danny just take as many as you can with south americans
[18:54] [D]Jusuf> just like i dont mind tsu takin extra
[18:54] Mammy_Tas> I kept some room for you guys
[18:54] LockdowN_TAS> well Joseph
[18:54] LockdowN_TAS> if Tsu i'd give him as much as he needs
[18:54] Zpektrix_TAS> middle , south americans dont know to communicate
[18:54] [D]Jusuf> yes same danny
[18:54] [D]Jusuf> because it makes sense
[18:55] LockdowN_TAS> coz i know what hes capable of in late game with huge base and lots of pop
[18:55] Zpektrix_TAS> and already said wrong rotation
[18:55] Zpektrix_TAS> :DD
[18:55] [D]Jusuf> but doom is my equal
[18:55] [D]Jusuf> not sensible for him to follow mammy suit
[18:55] Zpektrix_TAS> you guys needed mammy for the carry
[18:55] [D]Jusuf> just pissed me off really lol
[18:55] Zpektrix_TAS> on ping wise
[18:56] Invisible2 out
[18:56] Mammy_Tas> my dragons did some good carrying
[18:56] Invisible2 in
[18:57] Zpektrix_TAS> up danny
[18:57] LockdowN_TAS> sec reloging
[18:57] Zpektrix_TAS> cba water map
[18:57] LockdowN_TAS out
[18:57] [D]Jusuf> Khalysi
[18:57] [D]Jusuf> mother of dragons
[18:57] LockdowN_TAS in
[18:57] [D]Jusuf> mammy
[18:57] Zpektrix_TAS> sec too brandy
[18:57] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:57] [Rw]Headhunterz> this works best when we split up
[18:57] Zpektrix_TAS in
[18:58] [Rw]Headhunterz> we will have a game somewere tommorow
[18:58] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:58] Zpektrix_TAS in
[18:58] Mammy_Tas> :O
[18:58] Zpektrix_TAS> +3
[18:58] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:59] Zpektrix_TAS in
[18:59] LockdowN_TAS> well
[18:59] Invisible2> tsus spot
[18:59] LockdowN_TAS> Tsu was here first
[18:59] Zpektrix_TAS out
[18:59] Zpektrix_TAS in
[19:00] [D]Doom> lol
[19:00] [SW]Sinegeiros> was i there or not?
[19:00] LockdowN_TAS> yup
[19:00] Invisible2> Invisible2 + LockdowN_TAS + christo0972 + [SW]Sinegeiros vs. Mammy_Tas + [D]Jusuf + Zpektrix_TAS + [Rw]Headhunterz
[19:00] [SW]Sinegeiros> lets gl hf
[19:00] Invisible2> map?
[19:01] [SW]Sinegeiros> moment toil
[19:01] Zpektrix_TAS> mm is weird
[19:01] Invisible2> walls?
[19:01] LockdowN_TAS> any just not sess and gin tonic again
[19:01] Zpektrix_TAS> it gives me ping 250
[19:01] [Rw]Headhunterz> no
[19:01] [D]Doom> jozef, as they say in my country, the last one is the plague
[19:01] Zpektrix_TAS> but i ping 188 with ping test
[19:01] [D]Jusuf> what does that mean?
[19:01] [D]Jusuf> dont care for allies just take for yourself?
[19:01] [D]Doom> Grab everything you can quickly before someone else grabs it, lol
[19:02] Invisible2> tsu who behind you?
[19:02] [D]Jusuf> lol
[19:02] Zpektrix_TAS> up to mammy
[19:02] [D]Doom> xD
[19:02] Basz in
[19:02] [D]Jusuf> not the best strat on pop tho :V
[19:02] Svarog in
[19:02] LockdowN_TAS> Brandy
[19:02] LockdowN_TAS> give Arbrim mid base
[19:02] LockdowN_TAS> Christo back
[19:02] Invisible2> yes
[19:02] LockdowN_TAS> u n me front
[19:02] Invisible2> sure
[19:02] [D]Jusuf> I still grew faster than you :kekg:
[19:02] [D]Doom> That's why I expanded a little bit :), as a good ally that I am
[19:02] Mammy_Tas> Hmm
[19:02] Invisible2> mammy front?
[19:02] Zpektrix_TAS> at least i get worse pingcurrently
[19:02] Zpektrix_TAS> cant do much now
[19:02] [D]Jusuf> yes yes
[19:02] Svarog> Hi :)
[19:02] Invisible2> mammy and joseph?
[19:02] Mammy_Tas> I think headhunter and me front?
[19:02] Invisible2> kk
[19:02] Mammy_Tas> or josepg and me
[19:03] Mammy_Tas> I dont mind reall
[19:03] [D]Jusuf> I prefer front ye
[19:03] [Rw]Headhunterz> put me back
[19:03] [D]Jusuf> but idc any
[19:03] Mammy_Tas> I go front though :)
[19:03] [D]Jusuf> HH can be front too
[19:03] [D]Jusuf> and me behind tsu
[19:03] [D]Doom> see you later gauys
[19:03] [D]Doom out
[19:03] [Rw]Headhunterz> jusuf you go front
[19:03] [Rw]Headhunterz> il go back
[19:03] [D]Jusuf> later doom
[19:03] [D]Jusuf> ok hh
[19:03] Bignoobmanfr in
[19:04] Invisible2> wgo left?
[19:04] Invisible2> lol
[19:04] LockdowN_TAS> wait
[19:04] LockdowN_TAS> best change
[19:04] LockdowN_TAS> Arbrim
[19:04] [SW]Sinegeiros> sorry i left
[19:04] [SW]Sinegeiros> brb
[19:04] [D]Jusuf> arbrim
[19:04] [D]Jusuf> left
[19:04] Invisible2> Invisible2 + [GoD]lebannen + Zpektrix_TAS + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. LockdowN_TAS + christo0972 + Mammy_Tas + [D]Jusuf
[19:04] [SW]Sinegeiros> gl hf guys
[19:04] [SW]Sinegeiros> if any streaming
[19:04] [D]Jusuf> me danny front mammy christo back?
[19:04] LockdowN_TAS> christo back
[19:04] [SW]Sinegeiros> plz let me watch ;)
[19:04] LockdowN_TAS> mammy mid
[19:04] Zpektrix_TAS> ouch
[19:04] Zpektrix_TAS> harder one
[19:04] Zpektrix_TAS> :D
[19:04] LockdowN_TAS> me n Joseph front
[19:04] [D]Jusuf> arbrim
[19:04] Zpektrix_TAS> carry us brandy
[19:04] [D]Jusuf> do you know how to spectate?
[19:04] [D]Jusuf> I can show you
[19:05] [D]Jusuf> bardhi didnt know either
[19:05] [SW]Sinegeiros> thanks Jusuf yea
[19:05] [SW]Sinegeiros> i know theres a setting but idk how
[19:05] [SW]Sinegeiros> maybe after u join setup
[19:05] [SW]Sinegeiros> or whilst in game too?
[19:05] [D]Jusuf> ill show sec
[19:06] [D]Jusuf> right click on my name to the write
[19:06] [D]Jusuf> and at the bottom you should see spectate player
[19:06] [D]Jusuf> you have to launch in while we are in setup
[19:06] [SW]Sinegeiros> thankss!!
[19:06] [D]Jusuf> youll watch the game as if you are in it
[19:06] [SW]Sinegeiros> it doesnt show to ur nick but nvm i got it
[19:07] [SW]Sinegeiros> https://i.imgur.com/tuGjDJV.png
[19:10] xtro in
[19:17] Bignoobmanfr out
[19:17] Greenpopgrowth_tsi in
[19:18] Kotal in
[19:19] [SW]Sinegeiros> +3
[19:23] Basz> im up for a game
[19:29] Warp_drive> basz 1vs°1
[19:29] [SW]Sinegeiros> Warp_drive: come?
[19:30] Warp_drive> no your too good
[19:30] Warp_drive> kk
[19:30] [SW]Sinegeiros> me and u vs basz and Greenpopgrowth_tsi
[19:30] [SW]Sinegeiros> or me and Basz vs u and Greenpopgrowth_tsi
[19:30] Warp_drive> come basz
[19:30] Warp_drive> pp?
[19:30] [SW]Sinegeiros> map, pp fo cr or walls?
[19:30] Basz> yea
[19:30] Warp_drive> pp
[19:30] [SW]Sinegeiros> yeah sure
[19:30] Basz> letsgooooo
[19:30] Warp_drive> lemme be red
[19:30] Warp_drive> i hate yellow
[19:30] [SW]Sinegeiros> absolutety
[19:30] [SW]Sinegeiros> can i go red so i have to face Greenpopgrowth_tsi
[19:30] [GoD]Blanka> gg
[19:30] AtomicO_o> vnice game
[19:30] Warp_drive> ookok
[19:30] Warp_drive> sure
[19:30] D4R_OP> ur host sucks ass kooper
[19:31] Mowgli> gg
[19:31] D4R_OP> :nice:
[19:31] [AvA]lanche> So glad I suggested Push :eyes:
[19:31] [GoD]Blanka> lmao
[19:31] AtomicO_o out
[19:31] Mowgli> i got koopa and leche on my base all time
[19:31] AtomicO_o in
[19:31] Mowgli> shit
[19:31] [Rw]AlaN_90> te bailaron sabroso Lucas
[19:31] Greenpopgrowth_tsi out
[19:31] [SW]BardiKing in
[19:31] [SW]Sinegeiros> :|
[19:32] Greenpopgrowth_tsi in
[19:32] Basz> what happened?
[19:32] [SW]Sinegeiros> Greenpopgrowth_tsi: got disconnected prolly internet
[19:32] AtomicO_o> damn now im back
[19:32] AtomicO_o> mouse works good
[19:32] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> I had to turn vpn off
[19:32] Lucas> Éramos uno menos amigo
[19:32] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> but i cant do these teams lol
[19:32] Lucas> Muy difícil
[19:32] Warp_drive> new keyboards sinsky
[19:32] [SW]Sinegeiros> can i ally Basz?
[19:32] Warp_drive> @ atom
[19:32] Warp_drive> yes
[19:32] Basz> i dont play with atom
[19:32] Basz> he always quits
[19:32] AtomicO_o> yes i quit omg
[19:32] [SW]Sinegeiros> against him ;p
[19:33] [SW]Sinegeiros> hahahahaha
[19:33] AtomicO_o> quitted for lunch
[19:33] [Rw]AlaN_90> 40 kills meti
[19:33] Lucas> El que estaba al lado tuyo estuvo pintado toda la partida
[19:33] AtomicO_o> if im not wrong
[19:33] AtomicO_o> was winning too
[19:33] Warp_drive> new keyboard......
[19:33] AtomicO_o> or 50/50
[19:33] [SW]Sinegeiros> +1
[19:33] [Rw]AlaN_90> el amarillo?
[19:33] Warp_drive> riley here
[19:33] [SW]Sinegeiros> bardiiiiii!!
[19:33] [SW]Sinegeiros> map?
[19:33] Lucas>
[19:33] Warp_drive> pp
[19:33] [SW]Sinegeiros> me and Basz
[19:33] [SW]Sinegeiros> okaay gl hf!
[19:33] Warp_drive> si senior
[19:34] Basz> oki
[19:34] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> you got bardi
[19:34] [SW]Sinegeiros> do ur bestt luv yu guys
[19:34] Warp_drive> me vs arbrim?
[19:34] [SW]Sinegeiros> if u feel its unfair we can go unranked ;)
[19:34] Warp_drive> can i be red
[19:34] Warp_drive> no do ranked
[19:34] Warp_drive> me red
[19:34] [SW]Sinegeiros> okyyy sure
[19:34] [SW]Sinegeiros> and me yell?
[19:34] Warp_drive> yeah
[19:34] [SW]Sinegeiros> BardiKing: open radminvpn
[19:35] [SW]Sinegeiros> to fix ping
[19:35] [Rw]AlaN_90> no se honestamente yo ni mire que hacian uds 3
[19:35] Warp_drive> bardhi move
[19:35] [Rw]AlaN_90> fui siempre contra el naranja
[19:35] [SW]Sinegeiros> Warp_drive: is Greenpopgrowth_tsi coming?
[19:35] Warp_drive> ask him
[19:35] Warp_drive> bardi get ping pls
[19:35] [SW]Sinegeiros> no just guessed as u said
[19:35] [SW]Sinegeiros> bardi move
[19:36] [SW]Sinegeiros> hes not responding :/
[19:36] [SW]Sinegeiros> lets change hut
[19:36] Warp_drive> me and armbrim vs riley and basz
[19:36] [SW]Sinegeiros> +1 vs me and Basz
[19:36] [SW]Sinegeiros> ahh ghhaha yeah ;D
[19:36] [SW]Sinegeiros> anyways hahahaha
[19:36] [SW]BardiKing in
[19:37] Warp_drive> join mix
[19:37] [SW]Sinegeiros> [20:37] [SW]BardiKing> wait for me
[19:37] Warp_drive> me and mix vs rest
[19:37] Basz> but now we need someone else to join us :P
[19:38] Warp_drive> mic
[19:38] Warp_drive> join us
[19:38] Warp_drive> me and arbrim
[19:38] Warp_drive> lemme be red
[19:38] Warp_drive> riley can be green
[19:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> whos riley Warp_drive
[19:38] Warp_drive> greenpop
[19:38] Basz> lol
[19:38] Basz> we can never win this right
[19:38] Basz> :P
[19:39] Warp_drive> move greenpop
[19:39] [SW]Sinegeiros> hes not having ping ;/
[19:39] [SW]BardiKing out
[19:40] Warp_drive> greenpop
[19:40] Warp_drive> we are waiting for abardi
[19:40] Warp_drive> bardi
[19:40] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> okay ill go
[19:40] AtomicO_o> yo im back
[19:40] [SW]BardiKing> ty
[19:40] Warp_drive> me and bardi?
[19:40] Basz> nice ping bardi
[19:40] [SW]BardiKing> yes
[19:40] [SW]BardiKing> ty
[19:40] [SW]Sinegeiros> same garden :D
[19:40] [SW]BardiKing> gl hf
[19:40] [SW]BardiKing> leza win
[19:40] [SW]BardiKing> ossur
[19:41] AtomicO_o> ye im 1v1 some1
[19:41] AtomicO_o> wanna red or yellow
[19:45] xtro> hey G :)
[19:47] [GoD]Blanka> how is everyone warr rank these days
[19:48] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> War rank is the new shaman
[19:48] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> :bian:
[19:48] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> :fap:
[19:48] [GoD]Blanka> ye looks like it lol
[19:48] [GoD]Blanka> :fap:
[19:48] xtro> ask Inca
[19:49] xtro> where is my points
[19:49] [GoD]Blanka> lmao
[19:50] [Rw]AlaN_90> IncaWarrior:
[19:50] [Rw]AlaN_90> wheres xtros and my points
[19:50] [GoD]Blanka> :inca:
[19:50] [Rw]AlaN_90> we are clearly shammans
[19:51] [GoD]FreeInca in
[19:51] [GoD]Blanka> basement chichis
[19:51] [Rw]AlaN_90> chele para chichis
[19:51] [GoD]FreeInca> sim
[19:51] [GoD]FreeInca> oi amigos
[19:52] xtro> we waiting on Head
[19:52] xtro> or Bianca do host ?:D
[19:52] [GoD]Blanka> ehhh
[19:53] [D]Jusuf> gg
[19:53] [D]Jusuf> wp
[19:54] [Rw]Headhunterz> gg
[19:54] Mammy_Tas> gg
[19:54] Zpektrix_TAS> gg hard one
[19:54] Invisible2> ggwp
[19:54] Zpektrix_TAS> with cold hands
[19:54] [GoD]lebannen> gg
[19:54] [D]Jusuf> i think orange is on the spectrum
[19:54] xtro> Head
[19:54] [Rw]AlaN_90 out
[19:54] xtro> come here host
[19:54] [GoD]FreeInca> brandy?
[19:54] [Rw]AlaN_90 in
[19:54] D4R_OP> :joseph:
[19:54] Invisible2> ye?
[19:55] [GoD]FreeInca> :o
[19:55] [D]Jusuf> :monkasss: :feelsglassesman:
[19:55] Invisible2> Invisible2 + D4R_OP + [GoD]FreeInca + xtro vs. [Rw]Headhunterz + christo0972 + LockdowN_TAS + Zpektrix_TAS
[19:55] [D]Jusuf> chichi mi amor
[19:55] Invisible2> map?
[19:55] [D]Jusuf> take me
[19:55] Invisible2> lol
[19:55] Zpektrix_TAS> wait get another baby came lol
[19:55] [Rw]Headhunterz> sess
[19:55] Zpektrix_TAS> she opened the door
[19:55] [GoD]FreeInca> mi amor hola
[19:55] [Rw]Headhunterz> lets go have water fun
[19:55] Maztodonte-Perras out
[19:55] Invisible2> Invisible2 + D4R_OP + [GoD]FreeInca + xtro vs. [Rw]Headhunterz + christo0972 + LockdowN_TAS + [Rw]AlaN_90
[19:55] AtomicO_o out
[19:55] [GoD]FreeInca> i am noob
[19:55] AtomicO_o in
[19:55] [Rw]AlaN_90> ill gladly take your place tsu
[19:56] Zpektrix_TAS> she is on my lap now
[19:56] Zpektrix_TAS> :)))
[19:56] [GoD]FreeInca> gogogogog
[19:56] Invisible2> nah not sess
[19:56] Invisible2> walls?
[19:56] Zpektrix_TAS> and sleeping on my shoulder
[19:56] [Rw]Headhunterz> no
[19:56] Invisible2> or
[19:56] [Rw]Headhunterz> not again walls
[19:56] Zpektrix_TAS> like i sent to danny
[19:56] Zpektrix_TAS> lol
[19:56] [Rw]Headhunterz> we just did it lol
[19:56] Invisible2> kk but also no sess
[19:56] [GoD]FreeInca> goooooooooooooooooooooo
[19:56] Invisible2> riverside
[19:56] [GoD]FreeInca> gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
[19:56] [Rw]AlaN_90> actually my ping is being weird
[19:56] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> +2
[19:57] Mowgli out
[19:57] [Rw]AlaN_90 out
[19:57] [Rw]AlaN_90 in
[19:57] [D]Jusuf> alan bad
[19:57] [Rw]AlaN_90> NO U
[19:57] [Rw]AlaN_90 out
[19:57] [D]Jusuf> that solves it
[19:57] [Rw]AlaN_90 in
[19:58] [D]Jusuf> mammy you did good last game
[19:58] Mammy_Tas> I had to be in like 3 places at the same time :D
[19:59] Invisible2> one was my front lmao
[19:59] Zpektrix_TAS> it was me and brandy vs danny and mammy
[19:59] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> ++++2
[19:59] AtomicO_o> +1 1v1 gg
[20:00] Invisible2> ye ty for carrie me tsu
[20:00] Zpektrix_TAS> node and shovato was on joseph and christo
[20:00] Mammy_Tas> I wanted to help josph but everytime i go there sdanny had 2v1 :(
[20:00] Zpektrix_TAS> np
[20:00] AtomicO_o> damn kebab
[20:00] AtomicO_o> later
[20:00] Zpektrix_TAS> node did his task
[20:01] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> asks for 1v1 and then dodges
[20:01] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> xd
[20:05] [D]Jusuf> no its ok mammy
[20:05] [D]Jusuf> i know
[20:05] [D]Jusuf> there was a time at begining where HH and lebbanen both kept coming for me
[20:05] [D]Jusuf> and it got stressful
[20:08] [AvA]lanche> :+1:
[20:14] Kotal out
[20:14] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> bianca left me
[20:14] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> :(
[20:14] [GoD]Blanka> we had no game
[20:14] [GoD]Blanka> and now i have no game either
[20:14] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> we can 1v1
[20:14] [GoD]Blanka> :kek:
[20:15] [GoD]Blanka> lmao man
[20:15] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> I can host it
[20:15] [GoD]Blanka> 10 min job for youo
[20:15] [GoD]Blanka> you*
[20:15] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> lol doubtful
[20:15] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> 15
[20:15] [GoD]Blanka> i dont 1v1 high ranks
[20:15] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> :kek:
[20:15] [GoD]Blanka> only koopa
[20:15] [GoD]Blanka> :nice:
[20:15] Greenpopgrowth_tsi> Fair
[20:16] [GoD]Blanka> only time i do is in tourney
[20:16] [GoD]Blanka> cuz you can be sure as shit ill face a pro
[20:19] [D]Jusuf> she didnt 1v1 me tho :peeposad:
[20:19] [GoD]Blanka> you didnt show up :>
[20:19] [D]Jusuf> well i knew you rule about not 1v1 high ranks
[20:19] [GoD]Blanka> so i had to show match babo ty
[20:19] [D]Jusuf> xD
[20:19] [D]Jusuf> ez
[20:20] [GoD]Blanka> lol
[20:20] [GoD]Blanka> and ye i dont ^1v1 you :p
[20:20] [GoD]Blanka> too pro
[20:20] [D]Jusuf> I don't think ill join another tourney
[20:20] [GoD]Blanka> ill only do if its team tourney
[20:20] [D]Jusuf> timing of games just too confusing to keep up with
[20:20] [D]Jusuf> not worth the trouble
[20:20] [D]Jusuf> plus the many reschedules
[20:20] [GoD]Blanka> ye it was confusing
[20:24] Basz out
[20:26] [SW]BardiKing> gg wp!
[20:26] [SW]Sinegeiros> GG WP!
[20:26] Warp_drive> gg
[20:26] Warp_drive out
[20:27] Warp_drive in
[20:27] IncaWarrior out
[20:27] Warp_drive> that match took alot of mental energy
[20:27] Warp_drive> i need break
[20:27] [SW]Sinegeiros> hahah yeah
[20:27] Warp_drive> bardi
[20:27] Warp_drive> played so well
[20:27] Warp_drive> against a shaman rank
[20:27] [SW]Sinegeiros> yeaa rekt me so bad :D
[20:28] Warp_drive> bardio shaman when!?
[20:28] [SW]BardiKing> yes you a shaman rank ossur on pp WP
[20:28] Warp_drive> you too
[20:28] [SW]BardiKing> you help me a lot
[20:28] bockwurstlaune out
[20:28] Warp_drive> 1 more game
[20:28] [SW]BardiKing> we wont win 4walls
[20:28] Dougs out
[20:28] [SW]BardiKing> we win pp with double
[20:28] [SW]BardiKing> wp
[20:28] Warp_drive> nah i suck at pop
[20:28] [SW]BardiKing> LOL
[20:29] [SW]BardiKing> [21:28] Warp_drive> nah i suck at pop
[20:29] [SW]BardiKing> LOL
[20:29] [SW]Sinegeiros> ne fillim mke lane me t hi keq
[20:29] [SW]Sinegeiros> sban ashtu
[20:29] Warp_drive> i will paly in half an hour lol
[20:29] [AvA]lanche> Ossur tells the truth
[20:29] [SW]Sinegeiros> poo bravo!
[20:29] [SW]Sinegeiros> qashtu duhet
[20:29] Warp_drive> need to calm my brain down
[20:29] [SW]BardiKing> LOLLOOLOL
[20:29] [SW]BardiKing> ossur
[20:29] [SW]BardiKing> we was rude
[20:31] IncaWarrior in
[20:32] [AvA]lanche> hi Inca
[20:33] LockdowN_TAS> ughh
[20:33] [Rw]AlaN_90 out
[20:33] [Rw]Headhunterz> gg
[20:33] D4R_OP> stupid ass game
[20:33] LockdowN_TAS> i did a spin
[20:33] [Rw]Headhunterz> for a moment there i thought we lost lol
[20:33] Invisible2> gg
[20:33] LockdowN_TAS> wtf was that
[20:33] [Rw]AlaN_90 in
[20:33] LockdowN_TAS> runnin my pop around
[20:33] Invisible2> lmao
[20:33] [Rw]Headhunterz> i did the same lol
[20:33] [Rw]AlaN_90 out
[20:33] [Rw]AlaN_90 in
[20:33] LockdowN_TAS> ye man
[20:33] [Rw]AlaN_90> christo0972:
[20:33] xtro out
[20:33] Invisible2> who was yellow?
[20:34] [Rw]AlaN_90> gotta admit
[20:34] [Rw]AlaN_90> u were great
[20:34] LockdowN_TAS> that was embarassing tbh
[20:34] [Rw]Headhunterz> me
[20:34] D4R_OP> we could've won it but as usual someone decided to give up
[20:34] Invisible2> oh ye i noticed
[20:34] D4R_OP> fuck u guys :nice:
[20:34] xtro in
[20:34] Greenpopgrowth_tsi out
[20:35] LockdowN_TAS> yea u guys shouldve went for orange and green
[20:35] LockdowN_TAS> no point torturing me
[20:35] LockdowN_TAS> i played with 300 ping
[20:35] LockdowN_TAS> couldnt do much
[20:35] LockdowN_TAS> :kekyou:
[20:36] D4R_OP> na, a better option is to give up after few attacks :nice:
[20:36] LockdowN_TAS> lool
[20:36] LockdowN_TAS> thats worst ever
[20:36] xtro> Head
[20:36] [Rw]Headhunterz> my lights were on point again atleast
[20:36] [Rw]Headhunterz> y?
[20:36] xtro> can you make host ?
[20:36] LockdowN_TAS> agreed
[20:36] xtro> your is better than Brandty
[20:36] LockdowN_TAS> your lights helped much
[20:37] [Rw]Headhunterz> for most his is better though
[20:37] [Rw]AlaN_90> yea chichis gave up too early
[20:37] [Rw]Headhunterz> i did just destroy his base though
[20:37] [SW]Sinegeiros> gg wp
[20:37] Invisible2> hunter you wanna host mate? just not sess please
[20:37] [SW]Fried_Rice in
[20:38] [Rw]Headhunterz> lol my entire team had negative shaman kills :P
[20:38] [Rw]Headhunterz> idc
[20:38] [Rw]Headhunterz> whatever you want
[20:38] MrSmokin_Hottie26> who down for dictator?
[20:38] LockdowN_TAS> [03:35] [Rw]Headhunterz> i did just destroy his base though
[20:38] LockdowN_TAS> doesnt mean u have to quit right away
[20:38] LockdowN_TAS> :kekw:
[20:38] [SW]Fried_Rice> fuck
[20:38] Invisible2> 3v3
[20:38] MrSmokin_Hottie26> dictatorrrrrrrrrrr :peped:
[20:38] [SW]Fried_Rice> im a warrior now
[20:38] [GoD]Blanka> warr is the new shaman rank
[20:38] [GoD]Blanka> everyone is lol
[20:39] Invisible2> Invisible2 + [AvA]lanche + [Rw]Headhunterz vs. [SW]BardiKing + [Rw]AlaN_90 + xtro
[20:39] Invisible2> map?
[20:39] [Rw]Headhunterz> im down for dictator
[20:39] [GoD]Blanka> can do
[20:39] [Rw]Headhunterz> if you dont kill your allies
[20:39] MrSmokin_Hottie26> ye dictator :peped:
[20:39] MrSmokin_Hottie26> ill be dictator
[20:39] LockdowN_TAS> :jedi:
[20:39] [GoD]Blanka> omg lol
[20:39] [GoD]Blanka> ok who wants what base
[20:39] LockdowN_TAS> lmao
[20:40] [GoD]Blanka> ?
[20:40] MrSmokin_Hottie26> mite need to pause n find stoneheds
[20:40] [AvA]lanche> wtf
[20:40] MrSmokin_Hottie26> i hear theres a lot of them
[20:40] [Rw]Headhunterz> il be 1 of the front bases
[20:40] [AvA]lanche> we had a game
[20:40] [AvA]lanche> why everyone leave?
[20:40] [Rw]Headhunterz> so i can keep people alive there
[20:40] [GoD]Blanka> kk
[20:40] [Rw]AlaN_90> shovato bardi and xtro went to bians hut
[20:40] xtro> ill never been a dictator
[20:40] [GoD]Blanka> sooo maybeee
[20:40] LockdowN_TAS> gimme black
[20:40] [Rw]AlaN_90> i figured out id take a break
[20:40] [Rw]AlaN_90> toruk
[20:40] LockdowN_TAS> Blanka orange
[20:40] [GoD]Blanka> who else front lol
[20:41] LockdowN_TAS> Head, Bardi, and Bella or Xtro
[20:41] [AvA]lanche> omg, dictator again?
[20:41] [AvA]lanche> I swear, why do I even make maps
[20:41] [GoD]Blanka> xtro you fine with front?
[20:41] [SW]Sinegeiros> brb
[20:41] xtro> yes
[20:42] AtomicO_o out
[20:42] [GoD]Blanka> ok looks good for everyone?
[20:42] [AvA]lanche> Bianca, open 10p
[20:42] D4R_OP> soz Gwen, cba playin dicktaster again
[20:42] [GoD]Blanka> lol
[20:42] D4R_OP> get sum else
[20:42] [GoD]Blanka> .........
[20:42] [GoD]Blanka> lol
[20:42] [AvA]lanche> yay
[20:42] LockdowN_TAS> dw guys
[20:42] Kotal in
[20:42] LockdowN_TAS> you'll catch next game
[20:42] [GoD]Blanka> fuck it ill launch
[20:42] [GoD]Blanka> lets own the old man
[20:42] [AvA]lanche> lol
[20:42] LockdowN_TAS> yes
[20:42] [Rw]Headhunterz> lets go
[20:42] LockdowN_TAS> sounds good
[20:43] [SW]BardiKing> CRAshed
[20:43] shameem78 in
[20:44] D4R_OP> :feelsglassesman:
[20:44] shameem78 out
[20:44] [D]Jusuf out
[20:44] shameem78 in
[20:44] [GoD]Blanka> omg now it doesn lemme launch wtf
[20:44] [GoD]Blanka> just rotate
[20:44] [GoD]Blanka> d
[20:45] [GoD]Blanka> tf is going on lemme relog
[20:45] [GoD]Blanka out
[20:45] [Rw]Headhunterz> 1 more min and il host lol
[20:45] [GoD]Blanka in
[20:47] Finn in
[20:48] shameem78 out
[20:50] [SW]ShadowLisi in
[20:52] christo0972> wow 2 wildies here
[20:52] Saito_Vdm in
[20:52] christo0972> are there fake ?
[20:52] [SW]Sinegeiros> hello hello
[20:53] christo0972> gn
[20:53] [SW]Sinegeiros> christo0972: wanna my spo
[20:53] [SW]Sinegeiros> ??
[20:53] [SW]Sinegeiros> wait
[20:53] christo0972> have to sleep
[20:53] christo0972> ^^
[20:53] christo0972> sry
[20:53] [SW]Sinegeiros> gnn sleep wel;)
[20:53] christo0972> ty u2 bye ^^
[20:53] christo0972 out
[20:53] [SW]Sinegeiros> thankss bye
[20:54] Invisible2> Invisible2 + [SW]ShadowLisi + adsguyy vs. [SW]Sinegeiros + Kotal + Saito_Vdm
[20:54] Invisible2> map?
[20:55] [SW]Sinegeiros> u host u chost
[20:56] [SW]Sinegeiros> mates
[20:56] [SW]Sinegeiros> sry
[20:56] [SW]Sinegeiros> have to leave
[20:56] [SW]Sinegeiros> at least for a while
[20:56] [SW]ShadowLisi> aa ok
[20:56] Invisible2> np mate
[20:56] Saito_Vdm out
[20:57] AtomicO_o in
[20:57] [GoD]FreeInca out
[20:58] [SW]Sinegeiros> ill ask you later if i cna joib
[20:58] [SW]Sinegeiros> brb ;)
[20:59] Invisible2> sure, you can join whenever you want if im still sitting here :)
[21:03] Toxic_Royal in
[21:05] Toxic_Royal> guys can you explain how to be good in pop plz
[21:05] Toxic_Royal> I feel I play like a noob
[21:06] Invisible2> i dunno but if you find out please tell me too
[21:06] Invisible2> btw hi royal
[21:06] Toxic_Royal> I have been looking for like4 years and I still haven't found it.
[21:07] Toxic_Royal> who is invisible ?
[21:07] Toxic_Royal> joseph ?
[21:07] Invisible2> dw you are pro lol
[21:07] Invisible2> brandy
[21:08] Toxic_Royal> ah yeah I remember now :)
[21:08] [D]Jusuf in
[21:08] Toxic_Royal> Hi Brandy then
[21:08] [D]Jusuf> i I dedicate this song to Royaliste
[21:08] Invisible2> lol there is joseph
[21:08] Invisible2> you called him
[21:08] [D]Jusuf> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Py9S2bD0RZQ
[21:08] Toxic_Royal> bruh
[21:08] [D]Jusuf> im cookin atm :(
[21:09] AtomicO_o> toxic u need just rush at start enemy blasting all
[21:09] AtomicO_o> thats all pop
[21:09] Invisible2> good video joseph
[21:09] Invisible2> i can watch mute and still good
[21:09] [D]Jusuf> :V
[21:10] [Rw]AlaN_90 out
[21:10] [D]Jusuf> :pepejam:
[21:10] [Rw]Ninety in
[21:10] Invisible2> what are you cooking tho?
[21:10] [D]Jusuf> smash potatos
[21:10] [Rw]Ninety out
[21:10] [D]Jusuf> and soon eggs and sausage to go with it
[21:10] [Rw]Ninety in
[21:10] Toxic_Royal> yeah but I feel I play like shit, I'm not even sure if when I manage my pop it's good or counterproductive lmao
[21:10] [D]Jusuf> but potatoes take forever to bade crispy
[21:11] Invisible2> sounds good, can you cook well?
[21:11] Invisible2> royal you are a solid player
[21:11] Invisible2> join
[21:11] Invisible2> lets have some fun
[21:11] [D]Jusuf> Royal confuses good with perfect
[21:11] Toxic_Royal> Im playing something else :/
[21:12] [D]Jusuf> what game
[21:12] [D]Jusuf> our song?
[21:12] Toxic_Royal> game like counter strike but for childreen
[21:12] [D]Jusuf> oh :kek:
[21:12] [D]Jusuf> :ninety:
[21:13] Invisible2> Invisible2 + AtomicO_o + adsguyy vs. [SW]Sinegeiros + Kotal + [SW]ShadowLisi
[21:15] bockwurstlaune in
[21:16] [SW]BardiKing> gg wp!
[21:17] LockdowN_TAS> :kekw:
[21:17] [Rw]Headhunterz> gg
[21:17] [GoD]Blanka> why is it broken
[21:17] [SW]Fried_Rice> nice game
[21:17] [AvA]lanche> bloodlust didn't work, so you gave up?
[21:17] [GoD]Blanka> :thinking:
[21:17] [Rw]Headhunterz> had full base at front haha
[21:17] [SW]BardiKing> no bloodlus
[21:17] [GoD]Blanka> gg
[21:17] [GoD]Blanka> if he gets bloodlust
[21:17] [GoD]Blanka> we get problem lol
[21:17] [Rw]Headhunterz> he was dead nothing he could do
[21:17] [Rw]Headhunterz> all his defenses were gone
[21:17] MrSmokin_Hottie26> took forever to get bloodlust
[21:18] LockdowN_TAS> the piles isnt free guys
[21:18] LockdowN_TAS> 5$ for 4 piles
[21:18] MrSmokin_Hottie26> twice as long as it shuld
[21:18] [GoD]Blanka> lmao danny
[21:18] LockdowN_TAS> :kekw:
[21:19] LockdowN_TAS> Tsu, where is Spin?
[21:19] [GoD]Blanka> working i guess
[21:19] LockdowN_TAS> working on Sunday
[21:19] [GoD]Blanka> ye
[21:20] LockdowN_TAS> such a nerd
[21:20] [Rw]Headhunterz> imagine having 2 weeks of work right now so nice
[21:20] LockdowN_TAS> thought you guys only worf for 4 days in a week
[21:20] LockdowN_TAS> work*
[21:20] [GoD]Blanka> lol i wished
[21:20] LockdowN_TAS> i heard that from some country in Europe
[21:20] LockdowN_TAS> idk maybe in future
[21:22] bockwurstlaune out
[21:22] [Rw]Jops in
[21:25] Mammy_Tas> gnight all
[21:25] Mammy_Tas out
[21:25] Greenpopgrowth_tsi in
[21:27] Svarog out
[21:28] Mowgli in
[21:31] [D]Doom in
[21:31] AtomicO_o> e cosi 3v1
[21:31] AtomicO_o> ma vaffanculo sto gioco
[21:31] AtomicO_o> on purpose 3v1
[21:31] AtomicO_o out
[21:32] [SW]ShadowLisi out
[21:33] [SW]ShadowLisi in
[21:34] Mowgli out
[21:34] Mowgli in
[21:34] [SW]Sinegeiros> brb
[21:35] [D]Doom> who is kotal?
[21:35] Invisible2> dunno but he is not noob
[21:35] [D]Doom> how you know that?
[21:35] Invisible2> i just played against him
[21:35] [GoD]Spinnifix in
[21:35] [SW]Sinegeiros> he did great last game
[21:35] Invisible2> hi spinn
[21:36] [SW]Sinegeiros> +2
[21:36] [GoD]Spinnifix> yo
[21:36] [SW]Sinegeiros> vs me and lisi
[21:36] adray_tsi in
[21:37] LockdowN_TAS> SPINNNNNN
[21:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> yoo
[21:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> lool
[21:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> 40 pop
[21:37] [Rw]Ninety> spin
[21:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> all game
[21:37] [Rw]Ninety> ya estas sobrio_
[21:37] [Rw]Ninety> ?
[21:37] Invisible2> doom and ninety relog
[21:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> si
[21:37] [Rw]Ninety> bien
[21:37] [Rw]Ninety> brb ping
[21:37] [Rw]Ninety out
[21:37] [Rw]Ninety in
[21:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> xtro
[21:38] xtro> ?
[21:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> its 89's spot
[21:38] [Rw]Ninety out
[21:38] [Rw]Ninety in
[21:38] xtro> oo
[21:38] bockwurstlaune in
[21:38] [GoD]Spinnifix> he reloging
[21:38] bockwurstlaune out
[21:38] bockwurstlaune in
[21:38] xtro> im too late
[21:39] [Rw]Ninety> maybe not im still X
[21:39] [Rw]Ninety> one more try
[21:39] [D]Doom> let me relog
[21:39] [Rw]Ninety out
[21:39] [D]Doom> 1min
[21:39] [D]Doom out
[21:39] [D]Doom in
[21:39] [Rw]Ninety in
[21:39] [D]Doom> bock ninety spot
[21:39] [Rw]Ninety out
[21:39] [Rw]Ninety in
[21:40] [D]Doom> some talk with bokc
[21:40] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + [GoD]lebannen + [D]Doom + [SW]ShadowLisi vs. [SW]Sinegeiros + [Rw]Ninety + Lucas + Invisible2
[21:40] Greenpopgrowth_tsi out
[21:40] [Rw]Ninety> mm como nos van a culear
[21:40] [D]Doom> nah
[21:41] [D]Doom> tengo a tu sabes quien que tiene problemas con esta junto a las bases aliadas
[21:41] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :king:>EZ
[21:42] [Rw]Headhunterz> bad game lol
[21:42] [GoD]Blanka> i am done with sess ffor now
[21:42] MrSmokin_Hottie26> that shit lookd ez
[21:42] D4R_OP> why not bian? :nice:
[21:42] [SW]BardiKing> gg wp!
[21:42] [GoD]Blanka> i so cba holding back with building
[21:42] LockdowN_TAS> wheres Spin
[21:42] [AvA]lanche in
[21:42] [GoD]Blanka> cuz someone alwas stealing my wood
[21:42] MrSmokin_Hottie26> rite bardhi?
[21:42] [GoD]Blanka> sick of it
[21:42] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :>
[21:42] D4R_OP> [GoD]Blanka> cuz someone alwas stealing my wood
[21:42] D4R_OP> i'm not stealin
[21:42] [GoD]Blanka> an army of green braves
[21:42] [GoD]Blanka> nonstop
[21:42] MrSmokin_Hottie26> give sum names
[21:42] D4R_OP> my pop are doing it :nice:
[21:42] [GoD]Blanka> i couldnt build
[21:42] MrSmokin_Hottie26> who was green
[21:42] LockdowN_TAS> well Bian
[21:43] [GoD]Blanka> well it was D4 lol
[21:43] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :pog:
[21:43] LockdowN_TAS> D4R n Bardi also stole mine
[21:43] LockdowN_TAS> :kekw:
[21:43] [SW]BardiKing> d4r
[21:43] MrSmokin_Hottie26> u know wut they say bout pollocks n wood
[21:43] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :yikes:
[21:43] [SW]BardiKing> we do a great job
[21:43] MrSmokin_Hottie26> ye was super sik
[21:43] MrSmokin_Hottie26> ggs wp
[21:43] [AvA]lanche out
[21:43] [GoD]Blanka> ye bardhi is one of a kind too to steal trees
[21:43] D4R_OP> yeye sik game
[21:43] [SW]BardiKing> ??? i have a bunch of trees what do you mean>?
[21:44] [GoD]Blanka> on push i held back
[21:44] [GoD]Blanka> now i held back
[21:44] [GoD]Blanka> you know what
[21:44] [GoD]Blanka> ill not do anymore lets see how that goes
[21:44] [Rw]Headhunterz> mate we had 1 guy who couldnt play i mean you can say you did well but i solo killed all your shamans there lol
[21:44] MrSmokin_Hottie26> lmaooooo
[21:44] MrSmokin_Hottie26> too bad mm never lets us ally
[21:44] MrSmokin_Hottie26> or i take ur wood too
[21:44] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :good:
[21:44] [GoD]Blanka> if you do that
[21:44] [GoD]Blanka> i go eq you
[21:44] [GoD]Blanka> now join and lemme wtch
[21:44] [GoD]Blanka> :nice:
[21:44] [GoD]of_Madness in
[21:44] MrSmokin_Hottie26> wont have mana for eq
[21:44] [GoD]Blanka> lmao
[21:44] MrSmokin_Hottie26> after i get done with ur trees ;)
[21:44] [GoD]Blanka> big sho
[21:44] [GoD]of_Madness> yah
[21:45] [GoD]of_Madness> my spot
[21:45] [GoD]of_Madness> :pog:
[21:45] [GoD]Blanka> oh they do tom
[21:45] [GoD]Blanka> thank god i didnt join
[21:45] MrSmokin_Hottie26> :pog::cucumber:
[21:45] [GoD]Blanka> next map which is about treees
[21:45] [SW]BardiKing> team
[21:45] [GoD]of_Madness> biancrap :pog::ucumber:
[21:45] [GoD]Blanka> lmfao
[21:45] Greenpopgrowth_tsi in
[21:45] [GoD]of_Madness> lol
[21:46] xtro out
[21:46] Greenpopgrowth_tsi out
[21:46] adsguyy out
[21:46] xtro in
[21:48] xtro> why i cant now loggin in discord ?
[21:48] [GoD]Blanka> idk?
[21:48] [GoD]Blanka> forgot password?
[21:49] xtro> I have to take care of my account first?
[21:49] xtro> wtf
[21:49] xtro> I had my own account after all
[21:50] Toxic_Royal out
[21:50] xtro> no Bianca
[21:50] xtro> my email is busy
[21:50] xtro> ehh
[21:51] bockwurstlaune out
[21:54] xtro> why did discord take my old account instead?
[21:54] xtro> Bianca
[21:54] xtro> stream this?
[21:55] Basz in
[21:57] Basz> Hi I am very noob
[21:57] Basz> Please give me tips
[22:04] [TDM]Mr-TaNk in
[22:04] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> hi all
[22:06] [GoD]Blanka> oh shit i am on discord
[22:06] [GoD]Blanka> xtro you playing?
[22:06] [GoD]Blanka> we could join tank
[22:07] xtro> i can
[22:08] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> I want to open 3v3 but they are all in game
[22:12] Basz> i can join in a few mins
[22:12] Basz> with my friend
[22:12] Basz> hes coming
[22:12] [GoD]Blanka> nice
[22:12] Basz> viezeharry
[22:13] xtro> since 2012
[22:15] Viezeharry in
[22:16] Basz> yooooooo
[22:16] Franco_Colapinto in
[22:18] Basz> nicee
[22:18] Basz> complet
[22:18] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> [TDM]Mr-TaNk + [GoD]Blanka + Viezeharry vs. xtro + Basz + MrSmokin_Hottie26
[22:18] Basz> complete
[22:20] Kotal out
[22:22] [D]Jusuf out
[22:23] [D]Jusuf in
[22:23] [D]Jusuf> wow so many players
[22:24] [SW]Sinegeiros> gg wp
[22:24] [Rw]Ninety> gg
[22:25] Invisible2> ggwp
[22:25] [GoD]lebannen out
[22:25] Invisible2> brb 1 min
[22:25] [Rw]Jops> oh brutal
[22:25] Lucas out
[22:26] [D]Jusuf> Spin hates jops and lisi :pepewhy:
[22:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> no why
[22:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> join
[22:26] [D]Jusuf> lol
[22:26] [Rw]Jops> yaaay back in
[22:26] [SW]Sinegeiros> joppss
[22:26] Lucas in
[22:26] Lucas> ez
[22:26] [D]Doom> fue un desastre lo que hizo lisi
[22:26] [D]Doom> candela
[22:26] [D]Doom> le digo carga lb
[22:26] [D]Doom> y no lo carga
[22:27] [SW]Sinegeiros> best?
[22:27] Franco_Colapinto> sabes lo que pasa Lucas
[22:27] Franco_Colapinto> vos sos un pancho
[22:27] [Rw]Jops> how did alan lose his spot to lucas o.O
[22:27] [D]Jusuf> hola facu
[22:27] [D]Doom> el facu
[22:27] Franco_Colapinto> hey joseph
[22:27] Franco_Colapinto> doom
[22:27] Lucas> Era tu butaca esta Alan?
[22:27] Franco_Colapinto> people
[22:27] [D]Jusuf> hola doom
[22:27] [Rw]Ninety> nah
[22:27] [Rw]Ninety> juga
[22:27] [D]Doom> hello jozef
[22:27] [D]Jusuf> doom if you take my land i will murder your family
[22:27] Lucas> Alan says he lets me play if you let me win
[22:27] Lucas> In Spanish
[22:27] [D]Jusuf> in the game
[22:28] Franco_Colapinto> che
[22:28] Franco_Colapinto> okupas o los simuladores?
[22:28] [D]Doom> Good thing you didn't see the previous game, Lisi took all the land of Lebanon, lol
[22:28] [D]Jusuf> lolol
[22:28] Franco_Colapinto> cual es la serie goat
[22:28] [D]Jusuf> lisi
[22:28] [D]Jusuf> do not take my land either
[22:28] [D]Jusuf> :monkastab:
[22:28] Lucas> Entre Okupas y Los Simuladores, yo toda la vida me quedo con tu hermana
[22:28] [Rw]Ninety> xd
[22:28] [D]Doom> and I told him load lb, he didn't pay attention to us, and what happened was the opposing team took the aod
[22:28] Bignoobmanfr in
[22:29] [Rw]Ninety> brandy
[22:29] [Rw]Ninety> u had 28-8 kd
[22:29] [D]Jusuf> Lisi is learning
[22:29] [Rw]Ninety> lmao
[22:29] [D]Jusuf> be nice to him :V
[22:29] Franco_Colapinto> te responderia con una frase de alguna de esas 2 series pero no las vi lo suficiente para eso
[22:29] [D]Doom> lisi do not listen
[22:29] [D]Jusuf> he is hearing impaired
[22:29] Franco_Colapinto> pero okupas es mil veces superior
[22:29] Franco_Colapinto> no hay mejor serie
[22:29] [Rw]Ninety> Bignoobmanfr fw
[22:30] [Rw]Ninety> dayum
[22:30] [D]Jusuf> dam
[22:30] Bignoobmanfr> yea the time has come
[22:30] Franco_Colapinto> andar por liniers a la noche se siente como estar en un cap
[22:30] [D]Jusuf> /me kneels and gives him head
[22:31] [Rw]Ninety> best american to ever grace the game, only second to hw
[22:31] Bignoobmanfr> woah
[22:31] Bignoobmanfr> and no nooe can beat HW im afraid
[22:31] [Rw]Ninety> the legend the goat
[22:32] Bignoobmanfr> son ill be ready to face HW
[22:32] Bignoobmanfr> soon
[22:33] Mowgli out
[22:33] Mowgli in
[22:33] [Rw]Ninety> hw 2 good
[22:35] [GoD]of_Madness> :pog:
[22:35] [GoD]of_Madness out
[22:35] [SW]BardiKing> gg
[22:35] [Rw]Headhunterz> gg
[22:36] LockdowN_TAS> gg
[22:36] D4R_OP> :ninety:
[22:36] [Rw]Ninety> :feelsglassesman:
[22:36] [SW]Fried_Rice out
[22:37] Mowgli> gg
[22:37] [GoD]Spinnifix> gg
[22:37] [D]Doom> gg
[22:38] [Rw]Jops> i dont get what happened
[22:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> idk what u think u did better than him
[22:38] Lucas> Damn I'm so good I make people quit in 5 mins
[22:38] [D]Doom> lol
[22:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> gg wp
[22:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> yes?
[22:38] [D]Jusuf> Arbrim got all of our middle wildys
[22:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> yeh ^^
[22:38] [D]Jusuf> so he was OP
[22:38] [Rw]Jops> im so confused
[22:38] [Rw]Ninety> your mom is op
[22:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> ROFL
[22:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> wtf im not a mom
[22:38] [D]Doom> hoyl jesus
[22:38] [SW]Sinegeiros> ninety shut up
[22:38] [D]Doom> big is a fw
[22:38] [D]Doom> lol
[22:38] Invisible2> Invisible2 + [Rw]Jops + D4R_OP + [D]Jusuf vs. [Rw]Ninety + [AvA]lanche + Lucas + [SW]ShadowLisi
[22:38] Invisible2> map?
[22:39] [D]Jusuf> Arbrim dont let him talk dirty to you
[22:39] [Rw]Ninety> i was telling joseph
[22:39] [D]Jusuf> Alan
[22:39] [Rw]Ninety> :(
[22:39] [D]Jusuf> respect him wtf
[22:39] [Rw]Ninety> not you arbrim
[22:39] [D]Jusuf> Arbrims mom is nice
[22:39] [D]Doom> xD
[22:39] Lucas> RESPECT ME
[22:39] [SW]BardiKing> head go 6p
[22:39] [SW]Sinegeiros> Jusuf: take care
[22:39] [SW]Sinegeiros> because then your whole family is nice too
[22:39] [D]Jusuf> by arbrim
[22:39] [Rw]Jops> [D]Doom> big is a fw
[22:39] [Rw]Jops> WTF
[22:39] [Rw]Jops> how, when
[22:39] [D]Doom> he is a pro
[22:39] [SW]Sinegeiros> whommmmmmmmm
[22:39] Bignoobmanfr> lol
[22:39] [Rw]Jops> he's a big french noob
[22:39] Bignoobmanfr> no
[22:39] [SW]ShadowLisi> doom i think you wantet to talk to me
[22:39] [SW]Sinegeiros> didnt know i was stealing tbh
[22:40] [Rw]Ninety> brandy
[22:40] [D]Jusuf> you didnt
[22:40] [SW]Sinegeiros> i just wanted to take mid wildies thinking were fighting for them
[22:40] [D]Jusuf> fair
[22:40] Invisible2> ye?
[22:40] [Rw]Headhunterz> isnt it past your bedtime bardi sesame street has already been llong ago
[22:40] [D]Jusuf> we should have got them first arbrim
[22:40] [SW]Sinegeiros> ye eye :|
[22:40] [D]Jusuf> but we were too slow :P
[22:41] [SW]Sinegeiros> if id have palyed that map more often
[22:41] [SW]Sinegeiros> id surely know that but happened
[22:41] [SW]Sinegeiros> sorry
[22:41] [SW]Sinegeiros> good night from meh
[22:41] [SW]Sinegeiros> ;)
[22:41] [SW]Sinegeiros> but 'rageing' on lisi didnt make sense
[22:42] [SW]Sinegeiros> hes lowest rank maybe but didnt do anything less than the rest
[22:42] [GoD]Spinnifix> +2
[22:42] [SW]Sinegeiros> spins shamans were easy to kill tbh idk why
[22:42] [SW]Sinegeiros> gn
[22:42] [SW]Sinegeiros out
[22:42] LockdowN_TAS out
[22:42] LockdowN_TAS in
[22:43] [SW]BardiKing> gn
[22:43] [SW]BardiKing out
[22:46] [D]Doom> go 6 maybe?
[22:47] Ezra_TSI in
[22:48] Ezra_TSI out
[22:50] Mowgli> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1
[22:51] Saito_Vdm in
[22:51] Warp_drive> lol now i know why i lost 3 times in a row to bignoob
[22:51] Bignoobmanfr> :youdied:
[22:51] Saito_Vdm> open legs
[22:51] Saito_Vdm> for me spin
[22:52] Bignoobmanfr> lol
[22:52] Saito_Vdm> come on
[22:52] Warp_drive> spin
[22:52] Warp_drive> let saito in
[22:52] Saito_Vdm> lets do this consensual for once
[22:53] xtro out
[22:53] Warp_drive> spin afk
[22:53] [GoD]Blanka> gg
[22:53] [D]Doom> +2
[22:53] [GoD]Spinnifix> 2
[22:53] LockdowN_TAS> Blanka and Koopa in
[22:53] Basz> gg
[22:53] Viezeharry> gg, sorry for my bad start
[22:54] xtro in
[22:54] Basz> 2v2
[22:54] [GoD]Blanka> lol i thought you were trolling
[22:54] Warp_drive> not sess
[22:54] Warp_drive> pls
[22:54] [GoD]Blanka> later on you did good
[22:54] [GoD]Spinnifix> secc
[22:54] Warp_drive> walls
[22:54] Warp_drive> i dont play ses
[22:54] Warp_drive> sess
[22:54] Warp_drive> hsleh
[22:54] Warp_drive> hkl
[22:54] [GoD]Blanka out
[22:55] Warp_drive> pp
[22:55] Franco_Colapinto> hey koopa
[22:55] Warp_drive> pls
[22:55] Franco_Colapinto> you tried aom remastered?
[22:55] Basz> no pp
[22:55] Basz> tom
[22:55] Warp_drive> 4 wa?
[22:55] Warp_drive> no
[22:55] Basz> or join a different game
[22:55] Warp_drive> i dont play retarted maps like tom and sess
[22:55] Basz> haha
[22:55] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> fensalir?
[22:55] Basz> +1
[22:55] Warp_drive> 1vs1
[22:55] Warp_drive> on pp
[22:56] Warp_drive> if someone not scared
[22:56] Saito_Vdm> I don't want a lot for Christmas
[22:56] Saito_Vdm> There is just one thing I need
[22:56] Warp_drive> yeah
[22:56] Basz> a game of sess
[22:56] Basz> for christmas
[22:56] Basz> xD
[22:56] Saito_Vdm> I don't care about the presents underneath the Christmas tree
[22:56] Warp_drive> and you are the center of the world like cristiana aquilera
[22:56] Warp_drive> the world runs around you
[22:56] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> and Maria Carrie
[22:56] Basz> +1
[22:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> k
[22:56] Saito_Vdm> I just want to own you on sess
[22:56] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + [Rw]Headhunterz + Mowgli + xtro vs. LockdowN_TAS + [D]Doom + Bignoobmanfr + [TDM]Mr-TaNk
[22:57] Saito_Vdm> fun song
[22:57] Warp_drive> someone scared?
[22:57] Basz> warp
[22:57] Basz> just play
[22:57] Basz> one game
[22:57] Warp_drive> can we do mana battle?
[22:57] Basz> you guys are better ranks anyway
[22:57] Basz> no
[22:57] Warp_drive> kk
[22:57] Basz> sess
[22:57] Warp_drive> any level
[22:57] Warp_drive> go
[22:57] Warp_drive> i suck at sess
[22:57] Basz> :D
[22:58] Basz> ah np
[23:07] Lucas> Qué buen polvo
[23:07] [Rw]Jops> that was great
[23:07] [AvA]lanche> Lucas, learn to spot sarcasm
[23:07] [SW]ShadowLisi out
[23:08] [Rw]Jops> alan basically wiped out 4 players D on his own
[23:08] Lucas> He's my trainee
[23:09] [Rw]Ninety> :ninety:
[23:09] Lucas> Aprendé Facu pedazo de boludo
[23:09] [Rw]Jops> he was magic
[23:09] Lucas> I was commanding him
[23:09] [D]Jusuf> that seemed more like bimi than lisi tbh
[23:10] Lucas> Alan do this, Alan do that, then I told him, Alan wipe 4 players on your own, and he did, he's a good boy
[23:10] [Rw]Jops> you think lisi got someone to swap PC's to show him how its done
[23:10] [Rw]Jops> after ruining the last game
[23:10] [Rw]Ninety> lmao
[23:10] [D]Jusuf> im just saying ive seen lisi play alot
[23:10] [D]Jusuf> and its usually not like last game lol
[23:10] [Rw]Ninety> joe
[23:10] [Rw]Ninety> :youdied:
[23:10] [D]Jusuf> yes
[23:11] Lucas> It might seem like he got better, but it's a side effect of allying me. Everyone just takes my WINNING AURA and does 10x better
[23:11] [Rw]Ninety> im not a fan or never knowing whos playing behind the sw accounts tho
[23:11] [Rw]Jops> yeah it sucks
[23:11] [Rw]Ninety> of*
[23:11] [Rw]Jops> means games can be wildly unfair
[23:11] [Rw]Ninety> that game didnt seem unfair tho
[23:11] [Rw]Jops> that wasn't wildly unfair, I just sucked
[23:12] [Rw]Jops> but its a bit shit when someone is like "ahh fuck trying ill just bd"
[23:12] [Rw]Jops> "and i'll bd the worst player"
[23:12] [Rw]Jops> "thats always fun"
[23:12] Lucas> It might seem liike you sucked, but don't beat yourself, you did good, just not good enough to play against mighty me
[23:12] [Rw]Ninety> xd
[23:12] [Rw]Jops> I didnt do good
[23:12] [Rw]Jops> it wasnt fun
[23:12] Lucas> Oh it was fun for me
[23:12] Lucas> Ton of fu actually
[23:12] Lucas> fun*
[23:12] Lucas> DAMN I'M GOOD
[23:12] [D]Jusuf> nah it was fair
[23:13] [D]Jusuf> something is off with my graphics again
[23:13] [Rw]Ninety> brandy
[23:13] [Rw]Ninety> lets go
[23:13] [D]Jusuf> need to figure out what
[23:13] [Rw]Ninety> rw vs
[23:15] Invisible2> nah sorry i prefer to play 3v3 or 4v4
[23:15] [D]Jusuf out
[23:15] [Rw]Jops> actually im goin to bed
[23:15] [Rw]Jops> that game ruined any enthusiam i had after the weekend i've had
[23:15] Invisible2> kk gn then
[23:15] [Rw]Jops> thanks lucas
[23:15] Invisible2> damn
[23:15] Invisible2> im sorr
[23:15] [Rw]Jops out
[23:16] Invisible2> y
[23:16] Lucas> Uh lo mandé a dormir a tu amigo
[23:16] [Rw]Ninety> si sos un garca
[23:16] Merlo out
[23:16] Lucas> Me hubieras dicho que jugara al 11% de mi capacidad en vez del 13% así no sentía tnato la potencia
[23:17] [D]Jusuf in
[23:17] Lucas> Bajo un poco mi capacidad para la próxima partida
[23:17] Lucas> Porque sino, dejo al MM sin gente
[23:17] [Rw]Ninety> te pusiste del orto cuando estabas ocupado en el bd y yo expandia?
[23:17] [Rw]Ninety> xd
[23:17] [Rw]Ninety> tenia la base mas chota
[23:17] Lucas> No
[23:18] Lucas> En la única que te pedí fue que fueras para adelante que la tenías regalada
[23:18] Lucas> Tenía 3 atrás
[23:18] Lucas> Te comiste el amague de una shaman fantasma me parece
[23:18] [Rw]Ninety> goloso
[23:18] Lucas> Sí alto bukake me estaban por hacer
[23:18] Lucas> Decí que soy bueno
[23:21] [Rw]Ninety> me pase el finde jugando a esta mierda
[23:21] Lucas> Perdón, me voy a poner el traje, ahí vengo
[23:21] Lucas out
[23:21] Lucas in
[23:21] Lucas> Ahí está. Un olor a orto tenía la remera de Warrior
[23:22] Lucas> Fua, ya lo pasé a Facu, qué vergüenza ese pibe
[23:22] [Rw]Ninety> ayer nos quedamos esprandolo
[23:22] [Rw]Ninety> supuestamente ibamos a estar los tres
[23:23] Lucas> Es un vicio el pop
[23:23] Lucas> Un buen finde se semana entonces
[23:23] [Rw]Ninety> no pare de ganar encima
[23:24] Invisible2> 1 game was gin tonic and i was able to get aoe and spammed that all time lol
[23:24] Invisible2> oops
[23:24] [Rw]Ninety> brandy sus
[23:24] Invisible2> was supposed to be a pm lmao
[23:24] Invisible2> #fail
[23:24] Lucas> Ya tendrías que ser shaman papi
[23:26] [Rw]Headhunterz> gg
[23:26] Mowgli> gg
[23:26] [D]Doom> gg
[23:26] Lucas> ez
[23:26] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> it's a nice spice, when you ask for land, you got it and ally build on it
[23:26] [Rw]Headhunterz> traded half my base for 2 of theirs :P
[23:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> [GoD]Spinnifix + [D]Doom + [AvA]lanche + Invisible2 vs. LockdowN_TAS + [Rw]Headhunterz + D4R_OP + Bignoobmanfr
[23:26] [D]Doom> other map?
[23:26] [GoD]Spinnifix> ye#
[23:26] xtro out
[23:26] Bignoobmanfr> mybad you werent really attacking so
[23:27] [AvA]lanche> Doom, pls don't quit this time
[23:27] LockdowN_TAS> Push
[23:27] [D]Doom> i made land for black and pink take
[23:28] [Rw]Ninety out
[23:28] [Rw]Ninety in
[23:28] [Rw]Ninety out
[23:28] [Rw]Ninety in
[23:29] Mowgli out
[23:31] Franco_Colapinto> y bueno flaco tenes el mmr alto de tanto farmear spyes en 1999
[23:31] Finn out
[23:33] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> thanks Doom btw
[23:34] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> ggs
[23:34] Franco_Colapinto> pero necesitabamos a uno alan con 3 no haciamos nada
[23:34] [TDM]Mr-TaNk> bye
[23:34] [TDM]Mr-TaNk out
[23:36] Franco_Colapinto> amigo la de ucranianas y rusas que deben hber por caba
[23:36] Franco_Colapinto> cantidad hermano
[23:42] [AvA]Mibbel in
[23:42] [AvA]Mibbel> hello
[23:44] Lawyer_Johnson in
[23:53] Lucas> Me compré la trilogía del Mass Effect
[23:53] Lucas> Este verano me paso los tres
[23:54] Lucas> Si es que no me parece una caca claro está
[23:54] Saito_Vdm> YO SOY UNA PERRA EN CALOR
[23:54] Viezeharry> gg
[23:54] Warp_drive> 3 more for walls
[23:54] Basz> warp
[23:54] Basz> walls?
[23:54] Warp_drive> yea
[23:54] Warp_drive> or pp
[23:54] Warp_drive> if yu want
[23:55] Saito_Vdm> am tired boss
[23:55] Viezeharry> aaaai
[23:55] Saito_Vdm> too much hardwork today
[23:55] Warp_drive> 2vs1
[23:55] Saito_Vdm> gg
[23:55] Warp_drive> on pp
[23:55] Warp_drive> me vs basz and harry
[23:55] Warp_drive> i can win
[23:55] Basz> 2v1?
[23:55] Warp_drive> yep
[23:55] Warp_drive> but no rules
[23:55] Basz> ok
[23:55] Basz> okok
[23:55] Basz> sure
[23:56] Basz> no rules
[23:56] Basz> xD
[23:56] Franco_Colapinto> en remake ?
[23:57] wildmenShaman in
[23:58] wildmenShaman out
[23:58] wildmenShaman in
[23:59] wildmenShaman out